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Thyroid UK

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All posts for September 2013

I have hypothyroidism and after a nasty bout of pneumonia (now recovered) am experiencing severe joint and body pains? Is this related?

Doctors are not taking me serious because I also have a diagnosis of bipolar dis...
meem47 profile image

Hi Peeps, I was finally diagnosed Hypothyroid last January. I had been arguing that I had all the symptoms for a good few years!

Nothing was done as my bloods were 'normal' Tired, depressed, losing my hair/eye...
LozzA59 profile image

Does not taking enough levo give you cramps and numbness.

I did as doctor asked and cut levo down to 75 from 100, but come down with terri...
electric profile image
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My daughter has just had results from blood test her serum TSH level is 0.27mU/L. It says the norm is 0.3-4.2. She gets v tired easily

She has been away in china and is awaiting blood tests to test for parasites. Al...
London36 profile image

WWYD? To increase or not to increase?

I've been on levo since 10 June this year. I started on 75 mcg and the improvem...
Ansteynomad profile image

Mental health patients needlessly dying...

I don't know if any of you saw this on the news today. 'Shocking' but 'unsurpri...
PinkNinja profile image

Increased to 125mcg levo 18 days ago, having bad day today

Hi Increased to 125mcg levo 18 days ago and have not felt any improvement in fac...
lucylocks profile image

Which Levothyroxine brand is the best?

I have recently been diagnosed with hypothyroidism. I was initially put on 25mcg...
ShamilaS profile image

Struggling to cope with Graves Disease for second time

Hi, My thryoid has gone into overdrive again, and I'm back on Carbimazole. I fi...
v_adams1 profile image

Is it OK to come off of Armour cold turkey?

Feeling spo rough on Armour i have decided to stop, but wondering if there will ...
Justy profile image

Can nontoxic multinodular goitre turn toxic after several years?

Hi. I was diagnosed with a multinodular goitre about 6 years ago. I had Fna to t...
Colo1 profile image

TPO ab levels I have just had my antibodies done for the first time ever in 23 years of being hypo.

The result was alarming at least to me 1121 ng/ml. The range was (0.16-20.00) ....
Mia1057 profile image

Why am i not tested for t3 after having tt taking 100microg of levo? If thats the important hormone shoudnt it be priority?

Tatty10 profile image

Are there any Male members who thought they had depression which wasn't helped by SSRI's & then found out it was a Thyroid/Adrenal problem?

I started getting "depressed" when I was 19 (now 42). My episodes are 1 every 2 ...
jasond71 profile image

Having trouble finding tags, etc

I haven't been on here much recently, as not so good. Will post when I get sorte...
Rocky profile image

genova Diagnostics - Cortisol / DHEA. Results back.

I'm almost in tears because I have just confirmed that I'm not mad. I've been su...
amac profile image

Anyone had Reverse T3 problems

Just wondering if anyone had RT3 test done to try and solve their ongoing sympto...
Hidden profile image

Hampshire Support Group Get-Together - Wednesday 16th October

Apologies for the delay but am now pleased to say that I've set a date. Details...
Hidden profile image

Diagnosed with AS - experiencing eye symptoms Blurred Vision, Light sensitivity, Pain, Redness, Floaters and finally white blood cells

I've got the long end of the story just below but I'll try to sum it up for thos...
Karganeth profile image

i have a kidney drainage prob would this affect my underactive thyroid meds levethyroxine

having very frequent migraines and have had light headedness sensation for over ...
tuppenny profile image

Weight gain that I can't shift, tiredness, dry skin, hair falling out, joint pains, recurrent illness and infections....could I have hypo?

Hi I'm 27 years old, used to be super fit and slim but over the past few years I...
aimeek4 profile image

Want to treat adrenals but having amalgams removed soon. What to do?

I now realise that it's my adrenals that are in a bad way and do need treating. ...
Hidden profile image

Crashed and Burned

Good morning all So, today is a bad day. I think I sensed it coming. My skin wa...
pennyrose profile image

can you ever get a spontanous reversal of hashimotos

susiebow profile image

Do I ask for a little t3?

I had my blood tests done 2 weeks ago and my tsh was 0.04(0.35-5.5) my ft4 was 1...
VanessaB profile image

Can I get a copy of blood test results? I find all the tsh t3t4 confusing. The whole looking into it makesme more anxious,distraught help!

Hidden profile image

Support groups in hampshire

hello does anyone know of a support group in southampton or surrounding area I c...
nettiboo1982 profile image

nutri thyroid and nutri adrenal

hi everyone after having another tearful day after being at my g ps blood result...
helvon profile image

Stress - can't cope with it any more -uncontrollable tears, shaking, nausea, heart jumpy - different to hyper (TT on T4 and T3) Any ideas?

Hi, Post thyroidectomy in June 12 (for Graves which did not respond well to meds...
sandywandy1 profile image

Melting Shoes,Multi personalities and Madness. It's my hormones due to my thyroid Your Honour, Honest!

Recently It would seem I have become short fused and have multi personalities. ...
hymermad profile image