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All posts for January 2015

What is the best time of the day for a lupus blood test?

Hi Lupies, I have blood test every 3 months, my glucose up and down. In July 20...
kimc profile image

Fibromyalgia? and more tests

Well, saw a fourth GP yesterday. My first GP who'd sent me to the neuro has lef...
achydunlin profile image

Treatment for ulcers

Hi I had rituximab which has not worked unfortunately. My consultant is suggesti...
dzagotskillz profile image
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How long have people been on depomedrol?

I've had three shots since last July. Is it a long term form of treatment for th...
Diagnosed2012 profile image

How long did hydroxychloroquine take to work for you?

I have been on it for only 9weeks so far with no noticeable improvement in joint...
Annalouk profile image

Low C4? High dose steroids and Azathioprine - help!

Hi guys. Can anyone give me any more information on low C4 levels? Mine have a...
Tinksie profile image

Burning pain

Burning pain in feet leg and hand any tip pls
Lyme profile image


Hi I have been suffering with rashes and itchy skin for almost 2 years now. I ta...
leezals profile image

Rash on neck

Hi All, I have SLE Lupus (amongst other things) and don't have the facial rash b...
Iona467 profile image


Well here I am another 4 months on been to see Neurologists- Cardiologists-Rheum...
Hodgson57 profile image


I am 62 yr old female and 18 months ago I was diagnosed with SLE/AS overlap, an...
maurice1 profile image

Stopped taking all meds

Hi, I am after some advice. I was diagnosed with sle January 2012 after years of...
Mandymerritt profile image hydroxychloroquine, what do you think?

Ive been on it for a year and half...first high dose, then a lower dose (my doin...
dgleds profile image

Is anyone diagnosed with lupus when going through menopause?

Hello lupies, I'm 56 years old woman and diagnosed with lupus 2 years ago. It w...
kimc profile image

Has anyone had swollen neck I have lupus and emphysema and Hughes.nearly died Feb last year breathing bad all year am on nebuliser 4hourly

Now have swollen neck and major breathing problems no one seems to no what's cau...
dawnbeaven profile image

Fed up

My mouth ulcers are so painful.. joints are getting stiff again lately all i do ...
avionne profile image

Lupus? Any Advice??

I have a couple of questions about this. I had 2 positive ANA tests and 2 negati...
gemini2tru profile image


does anyone know if leukocytes CA 15 is infection, or a lupus thing...Its out of...
dgleds profile image

Blisters on lips

Hi over the last few months blisters have started to appear on my lips. I know i...
Geordie-chick profile image

Pamidronate infusion

Hi all pls i am having a pamidronate infusion on thursday bcos of the pain on m...
ijeasike profile image

Blue badge assessment experiences

I've got an assessment coming up, and I wondered what people's recent experience...

Has anyone with lupus very tender swollen lymph nodes under arms.

Have Sjogrens diagnosed and maybe Lupus and am awaiting my next Depot Medrol inj...
cuttysark profile image

unbelievable trip to the Rhumey

Well...Ive been on plaquinel for about 1.5 years, because the rhumey insisted i ...
dgleds profile image

Hi fellow sufferers .

Quick qhestion has anybody else felt like they have mild flu symptond but it do...
barbdockeray profile image


Hi, I wonder if anyone can help me. I have bipolar and sle and have been told th...
Jammy13 profile image

Bad headaches

Hi all, just a query if what I am experiencing is another symptom to add to my o...

Loss of sense of smell

I suddenly realised about 18 months ago that I have lost some of my sense of sme...
ShellyB1 profile image

Rheumy appointment today

Hi everyone , I saw a different Rheumy today, she was terrible, she just was no...
Powerhouse profile image


Is there anyone that feels like your not getting through to your doctors? I keep...
LillyAlfie profile image

Does anyone with Lupus/SLE/APS get this type of facial rash/blistering?

Hi there, I get this every few weeks, varying severity. My face just starts lea...
medsoph profile image