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All posts for June 2013

Does anyone have experience with Plaquenil and breastfeeding?

My son is just six weeks and i have not taken any of my meds since before he was...
mem334 profile image


Hidden profile image

what is happening to me

cant understand my body at the minute . dread each day and what its going to bri...
happyhoops profile image
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What is Sjogren's please

bigland profile image

Skin exfoliation

Some of you mentioned on this forum about skin exfoliation. Are you using dry e...
Purpletop profile image

30 years of Lupus........

30 years ago I had what I thought was bad influenza. I went back to work but nev...
Angelman1 profile image

I had a borderline positive ANA test 2 years ago, and Hep2 cells were borderline positive..and the dsDNA level was very low at about 5 units

.. Mid-December 2012 I had the test repeated through a neurologist (as I was get...
nannytutu profile image

Lupus research study seeking participants for telephone interviews ***Applications Now Closed***

***Please note that they now have all the participants required and will not be ...
Paul_Howard profile image

Can I ask if someone has had a positive ANA, and a negative DSDNA but still been diagnosed with Lupus? I have speckled pattern 1:80 titre

Im blessed with pernicious anemia, kidney problems, Ive been diagnosed with rheu...
nancee profile image

esa dreading it

hi iv been ill for years i spent sevral years in wheel chair luckily im out of i...
paul2667 profile image

AntiCoagulation Europe (registered charity no 1090250) needs your help with our major new survey

AntiCoagulation Europe needs your help with our major new survey. Please help ...

Does anyone have any experience of rituximub? finally getting this in August, but do not want to be too hopeful.

quinoric, oral methrotrexate and subcutaneous methotrexate have not made any rea...

Burning hands...??

Does anyone else have 'burning hands' My palms are absolutely burning, left one ...
Hidden profile image

Cyst question again !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please put my mind at rest !!!???

O.K I have a cyst on my right overy , 11cm by I think 12 and many of you put my ...
larissa profile image

twitches/ tremors

does anyone have twitches/ spasms in there extremities? I had little muscle spa...
scoobydoo1 profile image

How do I get hold of leaflets etc?

My daughter is trying to raise money and awareness for lupus at her school. She ...
purple-lou profile image

im a little bit miffed

there was a women on daybreak the other day who was talking about obesity, she h...
auntyp profile image

Is anyone else taking myfortic or cellcept . I have a very bad case of sle, many organs involved

Lizlauren profile image

13yrs later.......

Just had my first Rhuemy appointment ! Only taken 13 years to get there! The la...
Lupdaloop profile image

Rhumatologist, why does it seem so many are getting it wrong.

the question is obviously in regards to Lupus. It seems so many rheumatologist e...
scoobydoo1 profile image

How many others choose not to go the route of daily steroid use with multi organ lupus

Lizlauren profile image

Suggestions re: skin ulcers?

Just joined this board this evening! I was diagnosed with lupus in 1995. My sp...
ckb080 profile image

life begins at 40!! Yeah right.

The old saying life begins at 40 is a load of old horse manure! I am now reachin...
lillyanne profile image


i was just wondering if anyone else was put on azathioprine besides the hydroxi ...
Donnygirl profile image

Advice on power port

Can anyone tell me why my new power port is not working? it was put in 2 weeks a...
rlupus profile image

Sun block on prescription - any good?

I am going to take keeping out of the sun more seriously now! and my pharmacist ...
saranne profile image

Lupus & cardiac re-hab. Experiences anyone?

Following an MI in May, I've been really impressed with my cardiac care so far. ...
roobarb profile image


Why is it every time I have work done at the dentist I end up with a abcess this...
lennox profile image

Preying on the vulnerable?

Like I supsect most people who are experiencing the symptoms we do and are faced...
Hidden profile image

Mycophenolate and infections

For those of you who are taking mycophenolate, did you have any increase in the ...
Purpletop profile image