I am going to take keeping out of the sun more seriously now! and my pharmacist said get DVISAT on prescription. any experience of this? I cannot find it on internet, is it spelt wrong?
Sun block on prescription - any good?: I am going... - LUPUS UK
Sun block on prescription - any good?

Think its uvistat. It does the job but is a bit like smearing yourself in goose fat, takes an age to rub in!
think uvistat too!!
Oh thanks, that makes sense, but no good if it takes too long to put on, Goose fat sounds like a lovely addition to the red eyes and puffy cheeks, add a hot flush and I will start to roast!!
I'll see what the GP offers, want to save money as I have just cut hours at work by another day, But is there a sunblock that is easier to use. Been using factor 30 up to now.
I use sunsense 50+ which I buy online and it isn't too pricey. Not sure if you can get it on prescription though. Worth asking maybe?!
Also use Clinique for face, ears and neck which is pricey but it lasts for ages and so easy to put on, almost like foundation.
i too use sunsense 50+ which was recommended on here by another fellow lupie, I asked my gp and he put it on prescription. when I went to chemist to get it I could buy it over the counter as it was cheaper than paying for prescription.
I chose the roll on type, I am pleased with product as it doesn't make my face greasy or shiny like lots of others have ive tried.
its a small bottle (looks like a roll on deodorant) so easy to carry around with me. x
Until recently my best oprion was complete cover up. Bought 2 UV protection "Buffs" and a headscarf over the lot. Looks like niquab but feel a lot more well. Might ask for sunprotection on prescription [free prescriptions in wales]. have bought a boots no17 and elizabeth arden 50 [though that seems to have disappeared] when on offer as I know that I am able to wear [tho skin does get a bit pissed off with continual use]. Boots pharmacy told me that uvistat the one given out on prescription.
My skin is reacting less [taking hydoxychloroquine] but now getting more exposure to light my body symptoms and eyes going a bit downhill - thinking of posting a specific question about this.
They are more expensive but guadian weekend's sali hughes did a review of sunblocks, ones that don't make you spotty, shiny etc guardian.co.uk/fashion/2013... but guess you won't get on prescription!!
i get one called sun sence ultra 50+ on script its realy very good along with the hydro i dont get a lot off problems with the sun
Hi lucky you if you can get it on prescription, my local health authority has stopped prescribing anything like that as it is not classed as a medicine it is a cosmetic. I use a factor 50 on my face a wear gloves and scarf,long trousers, long sleeved tops and keep my head covered at all times when I am out or anywhere with flourescent or low energy lighting. I have just been referred to a new dermatologist maybe he will give me some - though I think it depends where you live not where the hospital is! Grrrrr Perhaps I'd better have a look on the 'net. Thanks for the info flofflach
Madmagz x
I alos use sunsense on prescription and my doc has given me the large size, so it owrks out cheaper than buying over the counter.
I also get the susnsense range of suncreams on prescription an it's great, it's not thick and cloggy like so many are when they reach the high levels of protection. It's Australian as well, so I figured they would know a little about sun protection.
I also use uvistat
Thanks for all the advice, i pay a yearly amount then can have as many prescriptions as I need. Much cheaper than paying for them all. So will see what the GP says, and probably try sunsense.
Sorry I'm late to this discussion - I've been away in Sunny Wales. Ahem!
I've said this before but I am using Neutrogena sheer matte factor 100 (Amazon, about £15.00 for a decent sized tube).
Not as greasy as many. Doesn't smell too bad. Works.
My goodness Uvistat I was given that on prescription when I was a child and they diagnosed me as being allergic to the sun because of my sun rashes (WRONG!) I am 44 now!
I now buy a childs factor 50 spray on very easy to apply and not expensive, I buy it from Asda. Because of the spray I apply it often and its not at all greasy.
My lovely dr has given me
Sun sense ultra spf 50 plus
Brill stuff. It's white does not smell a little thin but goes on very well and non greasy try it
Love and keep well x