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All posts for May 2013

Fed up with pain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!& desperately need to vent my feelings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's driving me insane, wake up PAIN, sit down PAIN, lay down PAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...
beckybooboo profile image

Update on my Rheumy nurse appointment and put on 400mg of planq, to start.

Hi all thank you all for all your support these last few weeks, my rheumy nurse ...
willowwag profile image

re not able to keepfood down

Thank you all for your kind messages of support this past few days its been nast...
wood profile image
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Prescribed prevabalin, anyone else with lupus taking these.

chorb profile image

So I went to see my rheumy yesterday and he spent a long time with me discussing...
Rachy24 profile image

Thought for the day

Lupus problems are like air bubbles in smoooth one out that's be...

Laugh for the day

Morning every one. Just reading some of the other this will make you laugh blogs...
lowicklady55 profile image


I thought the interview Jane Dunnage gave on the BBC 1 this morning (Tuesday 14/...

Lupus, urticaria vasculitis

Hi, please help. I have urticaria vasculitis under arms, thighs and chest and al...
Pipido36 profile image


I have been reading through other blogs about methotrexate, is it normal to be o...
March2012 profile image

Lupus awareness day (10th May 2013)

I just thought I would share new great news as I did a funding raising day selli...
sam289 profile image

what to ask at first rhumy appointment?

Hi all,, need some advice as what to exactly ask at my first rhumy appointment t...
scoobydoo1 profile image

employment/self employment

Well, that's job number 1 out of the door. The caring was too much work for too ...
lowicklady55 profile image


Hi evry1 I used to love horseradish on things. Now my mouth can't take it. I eve...
lowicklady55 profile image

How to increase my health?

I want to ask about increasing my Health. Actually last year i was suffering fro...
rubysharma profile image

Wow... some feeling good days

Good morning lupie friends. I was diagnosed 2 months ago with lupus after many ...
Donnygirl profile image

This is the fourth story I've heard this week :(

Terribly tragic story in the news today - Iain Hodge, who was diagnosed with Hug...
Sher78 profile image

Can I get DLA or PIP if I work full time??

March2012 profile image

Methotrexate question

Been on methotrexate for 12 weeks now since the diagnosis of lupus and I'm still...
Scoofiecoo profile image

What more can I do?

Today I'm feeling absolutely rotten. Rash on neck and swollen glands, sweating, ...
lillyanne profile image

I accidentally took my hydroxychloroquine tablet at the same time as my indigestion remedy (ranitidine).

I was meant to leave 4 hours either side. I now have awful heart burn and nause...
rachfeathers profile image

Does lupus affect bowels function, how many of you have had problems?

Deary profile image


has any one had solar panels. wondering if its a good idea.
tracyxx profile image

Ha ha ha!!

Just had to share this, should make you smile!! Was at at work the other day ...

cant keep food down

Hi every one can any of you help me Ive gone off food in big way I simply cant f...
wood profile image

Mycophenalate and flares and denial and fed up!

Been on an increasing dose of Myco for a couple of weeks and am now on 1g twice ...
DaleDiva profile image


Just come back from A&E after suffering really bad chest pain that wasnt respond...
Danielle2419 profile image

life... hmmm

writing on a fellow lupies blog post has made me think. looking at family his...
scoobydoo1 profile image


About 6 weeks ago I came off the steroids and I suffered with breathing difficul...

London meet - 25th May

Hi all, For those in the London area, we are having a little meet-up on Satur...
chrissiij profile image