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All posts for November 2020

Looking for a good B vitamin with folate please.

Good morning everyone. Could you recommend a good B vitamin that contains folat...
Nessynu profile image

Blood tests back.

Hi all. As recommended I did some bloods. I am posting the results and would be...

Test results/levo dosage

After a month on a starter dose of 25mcg I had a blood test done. Drs receptioni...
nw1991 profile image
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Suspecting Hypothryoid, need help with interpreting blood test results

M/23/160lbs/UK have been having very strange symptoms for quite some time now su...

Englarged adrenal glands on both glands

I think Im going down a rabbit hole here because basically Im not a doctor! Ive ...
Numberone1 profile image

Circadian Rhythm & Testing

I understand it’s best to test first thing in the am because circadian rhythms a...
Labradorfan profile image

Help with getting blood test please!

I’m due my next ‘big’ blood test with endo (phone appointment 17th nov). I’m sup...
Arlie123 profile image

Advice about combination of T4/T3

Hello! Previously I was taking Levothyroxine 125 mcg, but later started to feel ...
Grechka profile image


I have been using magnesium chloride for about 4-5 weeks now and while I like it...
Redlester profile image

Please pm me NDT supplier

Could anyone please pm me where to purchase NDT. I have a small amount of Thiroy...
kels33 profile image


I work up with this bruise this morning I haven’t banged it & it doesn’t hurt an...
Lo06 profile image

Thyroid swelling on one side? Or swelling without physically looking bigger

Is it possible for thyroid to swell on one side? I can feel my thyroid (feels a...
Jessica1987 profile image

T4 / T3 combinations , dosages experiences

HI GUYS, i know Every One Is unique, plus i studied a lots of books about,
Dawid86 profile image

Immediate change over from Levo to ERFA

I have just, 5 days ago, done an immediate change from 25 mg of levothyroxine to...
Cecilbenhard profile image


I think that when I first joined this group a few years ago the general consensu...
Trying-hard profile image

Is there a link between Hashimoto’s and chronic kidney disease?

I’d like to know if there is any form of link between to the two. I’m aware that...
QuinnyCakes profile image

Itchy no rash - over medicated?

I have Hashimotos, diagnosed Jan 2017. I take 1/1.5 thyroid S on alternate days....
Kimvw1 profile image

What is happening now!

I have Hashimotos and Coeliac rash and was recently dx with MGUS last
Bichonbetty profile image