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Thyroid UK

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All posts for October 2018

Thyroxine T3

When I was 25 years old I was diagnosed with Thyroid cancer and was given a Thyr...
Sherdan7 profile image

Liothyronine no longer available from GP

Hi all. I have been taking liothyronine for about 8 years now. Initially recomme...
Struggs profile image

Night time chest and shoulder strike back pain.

Hi I was diagnosed with graves disease area months ago. I'm on crabixamioke For...
Hidden profile image
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Help converting numbers!

I don’t do numbers, ever. But really not now with my brain fog. I’m trying to co...
Murphysmum profile image

Hashimotos avoiding gluten and dairy? Is it the lactose that isn’t tolerated?

I don’t eat an gluten anymore,if I have to have cows milk I get awful stomach pa...

Falling on deaf ears

Since having my t3 removed and Levothyroxine ramped up from 100 to 150 I have st...

CountryHealth Ipswich

I wonder if anyone has any experience or knows any thing about CountryHealth bas...
Todd profile image

Results from thyroid

Hi all, I had my thyroid bloods done 2 months ago by medichecks because I have...
Tiggerj profile image

Anxiety on Testing and Endo Meeting

You can get a good idea of my recent experiences in my thread titled, Update on ...
Andyb1205 profile image


Vit d *45.3. Nmol/50_175 States underneath that there's vit d insufficiency. ...
Nasturtion profile image

T3 supply

I am running out of t3 and struggling to source more Tiromel or Uni-pharma Plea...
pinklady756 profile image

Melatonin: More than just sleep support ~ from Mark Hyman's weekly email

Melatonin is usually only associated with sleep. It’s taken by those who struggl...
BadHare profile image

Ignoring an underactive thyroid

Hi I am new to this site. I have a unattractive thyroid. I have never taken it v...

Thyroid talk in Surrey on Sat 3 Nov

If you can get to Weybridge on 3 November please join our support group for a ta...
dina7 profile image

Thank you

Thank you everyone. I now need to know why it doesn't matter that my TSH is 0.01...
Omadoll profile image

Any literature on high FT3 and/or suppressed TSH?

Hello, Please could anyone provide me with links to literature that supports the...
Boshus profile image

Help to interpret bloods please?

Hi, I suffer from waves of extreme fatigue and considering different causes. I t...
ziggyguitar profile image


My doctor wanted to reduce my thyroxine from 175 to 150, I refused. My TSH is 0....
Omadoll profile image

Put on weight whilst taking Amitriptyline?

Have other people found they have put on weight whilst taking Amitriptyline? My...
Flory28 profile image

mouth ulcers

I've been on Carbimazole for about 2 months, I have definitely noticed an improv...
ed2w profile image

Offensive words in politics

Trying very hard to avoid direct political comment, the following might be recog...
helvella profile image

A suggested gift to a doctor diagnosing hypothyroidism or treatment.

I've finalised what I hope may be useful to some here as a document to leave wit...
diogenes profile image

New Blood Results

Hi, I had some bloods done in September from Medichecks and recently had some re...
Hidden profile image

The fight goes on to stay on Liothyronine

After fighting my way back to good health, the fun as started my the drs are ref...
Sharcott profile image


Hello everyone Gary here, 10 days ago I had a thyroid scare ,I was diagnosed wit...
GMaac profile image

Collapsed yesterday test results

Hi. On 1st Oct 18 I got blood test results. I’d changed from Levo to NDT 9 weeks...
McPammy profile image

Where can I buy t3 abroad

I need t3 medication and I'm very wary of buying from abroad, can anyone give me...
lissa66 profile image

optician spotted high cholestrol ?? so scared

Hello I am feeling sick with worry and had a massive panic attack after my routi...

Some Advice Please

I am having bloods done on Thursday at 8.20 am.I usually take my Thyroxine at 6a...
Credo profile image

Help Doctors are useless! :(

After advice i have been taking levothyroxine for 6 months now for hashis undrac...
Moonpig22 profile image