Just picked up some more test results
Ferritin has dropped from 34 to 28 (10-420) in 6 weeks despite supplementing with 2 x Spatone daily.
Serum B12 410 ng/L (220-700)
Serum Lipids - never had this done before so don't really understand which are the important bits
Cholesterol 5.2 mmol/L (no range)
Triglycerides 1.7 mmol/L (0-2)
HDL 1.8 mmol/L (0.9-2.2)
LDL 2.6 mmol/L (no range)
Total cholesterol:HDL ratio 2.9 (no range)
Thyroid tests as follows from earlier in the week
TSH 2.26 (0.27-4.2)
FT4 13.7 (12-22) FT3 3.8 (3.1-6.8) ( so in the 17th & 19th percentiles)
Any advice, input as to what else this tells me, or what else I can do until I persuade them to medicate me?