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Thyroid UK

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All posts for October 2013

new to this and all very confusing- any help would be gratefully received - Levels serum thf level = 5.74. serum free t4 level = 12.9

Doc suggests Im borderline but I have many symptoms, weight wont move, sinus pai...
malone1 profile image

Blood results

Hi all, I would appreciate it if anyone could interpret these latest results fo...
queeniebunn profile image

How often will I see the Endo?

I have a first appointment with an Endo next month. What will happen? I've been ...
yellow profile image
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Is it just me or does everyone else get angry when they read that hypothyroidism is easily controlled by drugs.

I am so fed up struggling with Hashimotos that I really wish someone would expla...
Mia1057 profile image

Doctors dilemma...

This made me laugh :)
Clutter profile image

Ct scan ......

Why are they insisting I have a ct scan????????
GeorgieB profile image

UK Lab Test Information

UK Lab Test Information We see a steady flow of questions about laboratory test...
helvella profile image

How do I increase my energy levels?

Iv`e been taking 50mg of Levothyroxine for a few months now, & apart from a mome...
hairyfairy profile image

Anyone else feel worse after starting night time dosing?

i started on monday, and today i feel terrible....emotional wreck, mentally unst...
gracegirl78 profile image

Subclinical hypothyroidism as a risk factor for placental abruption

One for the midwives! One of the very first posts on the site when it first st...
helvella profile image

Frax score calculations in postmenopausal women with subclinical hypothyroidism.

Do you get sick of doctors who suggest a relationship between thyroid hormone su...
helvella profile image

Anti body levels

Been told from forums that I might have hashimoto because of my anti body blood ...
Clmartin80 profile image

Hypo but normal temp and issue is normally too hot and sweaty

Ola again. I have read a lot on here from my fellow hypo's that you generally ha...
Thyroidseb profile image

Protocol for diagnosing Hypoadrenalism

Anyone who was watching the Pernicious Anaemia Society conference live-streaming...
Hidden profile image

Why would Antibodies rise on levothyroxine?

Sorry if you've already seen this. I'm struggling to get to grips with this for...
o_kella_uk profile image

Is there a simple of list anywhere of all recommended blood tests?

I am finally trying to get to the bottom of my likely long-term hyper. Symptomat...
londonish profile image


Angeoplasty set for 4th Novembr would be good to know if any of you had the sam...
meki profile image

Thyroxine is crippling my stomach, been taking Gaviscon but shouldn't?

Since starting my Levothyroxine my old stomach problems have erupted! Terrible h...
catsndogs profile image

adrenal problems

I stopped taking adrenal extra about 3 weeks ago, after taking them for around 4...
springer profile image

Can someone body temperatures

I know I have a low temp. issue but can someone explain this,Last night hubby pu...
beaton profile image

Newbie, diagnosed with Hypothyroidism.

Hello :) Have been lurking on here for a while now, and have gained so much kno...
Coastwalker profile image

Brain-washing During Sleep

Whilst not strictly speaking a thyroid issue, I thought some of you might find t...
PinkNinja profile image

Links for Print outs for Doctors appointment Monday Please

Hi everyone need a little help as going to the doctors on Monday to talk over my...
AAllen444 profile image

Really worried about Blood Test results

Thanks to reading information on this site and learning about what I can and can...
Loobs39 profile image

Does anyone know how I would have become Hypo?

I've been told it's hereditary but nobody has or had this illness. I also read t...
Tanya40 profile image


Thanks for suggesting B12 it is great BUT my GP wanted to check everything and a...
meki profile image


After 2 months struggling with the Mercury Pharma alternative. I collected the p...
meki profile image

You are what you eat . . . T3 and the food chain

Doctors are always advising us to eat healthily, but how do you do this when the...
flatfeet1 profile image

TSH Not The Total Picture of Clinical Symptoms

Another little gem from the American Association of Clinical Chemists website. ...
PR4NOW profile image

HASHIMOTOS + Anyone ever complained to The GMC regarding a doctor?

So my GP who isn't all too bad referred me to an endo. I went and saw her and sh...
It0022 profile image