Hey all just want to say thank you for everyone here. It feels like a community and I don’t experience those things by myself.❤️
My doctor asked me to do blood test every other week at the beginning of last year, this year, he said I can change it to every month so he can monitor my condition. How often do you do the blood test? I am used to it but I think the process is still traumatizing...
My recent labs aren’t normal, white blood cells is low and liver test is high. I have experienced with white blood cells low but liver test is high -first time, I don’t know what it means and it scares me so much...
I can’t fall sleep at night but I feel tired during the day and can sleep forever. Just trying not to be too lazy....
Anyone has any experience with that? Any advice?
Another thing I am trying to read some books or research about lupus to increase my awareness and hopefully to help my family and friends better understand how to support me. Any book/video/movie recommendations? Thanks a lot!