My rheumy steps it up - and free CPD!: For the... - LUPUS UK


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My rheumy steps it up - and free CPD!

whisperit profile image
14 Replies

For the second time, I am posting to praise my rheumy. I saw him on Monday to review my myositis and today he rang me at home - again - with the results of the bloods. I've subsequently discovered that he is on a day off today. So blooming well done, Dr X.

I still need to work on him though. In the review, he did a quick examination and was about to wrap the appointment up when I asked - "What did the MRI, muscle biopsy and EMG show?" and he said, "As we expected, you have a fair bit of muscle inflammation. Now, do you have a supply of blood request forms for next time...?"

"Hang on!" I said, "I didn't go through all that just to get told I have muscle inflammation. I already knew that!"

I feel the programme of free CPD that I am providing to the medics I meet is bearing fruit, but there is still work to do. ;)

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whisperit profile image
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14 Replies
misty14 profile image

Hi Whisperit

That is impressive to be working on his day off but forgive me for being thick but what is CPD that your giving your Rheumy?. Did he say what treatment you'll get as you have muscle inflammation?. I'm sorry about that but it does need treating !. X

whisperit profile image
whisperit in reply to misty14

Thanks misty. CPD is my weak joke - like most of us, I feel sometimes that I am training my medics in how to interact with patients better (CPD = Continuing Professional Development) . And yes, I have some new, fun, treatments to start ;) x

misty14 profile image
misty14 in reply to whisperit

I like it Whisperit and so agree re training medics. I feel I have to do it. Are you going to tell us what the treatments are?. Do hope they help you. Best of luck and keep us postedX

whisperit profile image
whisperit in reply to misty14

Rheumy initially wanted to give several 1gm iv injections of methyl pred, which would be fairly normal for acute myositis, but after discussion with my endo, agreed that might be too risky. I'm now on 24mg orally (its supposed to have a slightly greater anti-inflammatory effect than ordinary pred). And I'm starting on azathioprine - again with a very slow upward taper, as my enzyme levels are borderline too low.

misty14 profile image
misty14 in reply to whisperit

That's interesting Whisperit that you can take methyl pred orally and your not getting same horrid effects as on the others?.. Aza is a tricky drug as it can affect your blood counts. It did with me twice so your team are right to be cautious. Glad your Rheumy is being much better but he had to really because myosotis is so serious and needs treating fast to prevent muscle damage!. I'm sorry you've developed this but hope you improve soon with the treatment!. Hope the wildlife are being busy, they are in our garden. Keep us posted and fingers crossed for you your quality of life improves now. X

_jenc_ profile image

I loved that "CPD" 😉👍

I'm glad your Rheumy is looking after you hun. Hope you are managing okay in this heatwave. *hugs* xx

whisperit profile image
whisperit in reply to _jenc_


I'm off to spend the night in the local hospital for a sleep study. Heatwave + electrodes stuck all over my head should guarantee a good night's rest :D

_jenc_ profile image
_jenc_ in reply to whisperit

Good luck! Hope it's not too warm!!👍x

whisperit profile image
whisperit in reply to _jenc_

it was BOILING! A windowless room at the end of the same ward where I spent 3 weeks recovering from my femur breaks. No wonder I had nightmares :) x

whisperit profile image

as I explain repeatedly to the rheumy nurse, i want copies of my test reports before the appointments so we don't waste the time reading through them. One day she may grasp this concept. As it was, we didnt look at the reports but rheumy said he will sent hem on in the post . So I await their arrival with interest x

maye1 profile image
maye1 in reply to whisperit

One day she might...

CPD comment made me laugh. I guess payment will come in his approach with other patients - bit of an investment!

Crossing fingers for you with new meds. X

DRunnerchick profile image

Well done W! I hope you are feeling better sooner rather than later and the 'sleep' test actually included sleep. Maybe, since the rheumy called you on his day off, this CPD sampling is gratis but I really think you should consider billing for your services next time 😉


Melba1 profile image

You do make me laugh! So true though - we’ll train them eventually! 😂 Impressed he rang you on his day off.

On a serious note - hope it’s all going well with the new drugs? Not too bad side effects?


Lizzie1969 profile image

My siblings have always had sleep issues, as young as four years old. We would actually have very active dreams/night terrors.

My awesome Pulmonoligist discovered that might oxygen drops 30%, when I am in REM.

Not what you're looking for?

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