I wonder if anyone has experienced a change in their cycle after starting mycophenolate. I have had troublesome periods for years, more so in the last two years as disease activity increased prior to diagnosis. I've had 6 months of depo provera injections which helped initially for a few weeks but I've been bleeding every day since March. I began Myfenax four weeks ago and for the last week, my period has finally stopped. As I haven't had a clear week like this for years, I'm really happy but wondering if this is the MMF at work? I had queried abnormal bleeding with my rheumy as another aspect of SLE but she was dismissive, putting it down to my age; I am 46 so she feels that it's 'normal' (she's great otherwise). This is clearly not normal so I'd be grateful for any input, thanks.
Mycophenolate and periods: I wonder if anyone has... - LUPUS UK
Mycophenolate and periods

I’ve found quite a few lupus drugs have mucked up my periods. After rituximab I had them every 2-3 weeks for a while then on methotrexate they seem to come whenever they choose - 1-4 weeks and very heavy. It does menstrual dysfunction in the list of side effects for methotrexate but not sure for MMF. Maybe check with GP? Not sure rheumys want to talk periods with us, my Male rheumy looked a bit embarrassed when I asked!
Thanks Melba1, the unpredictability is a real pain, isn't it? I know rheumys can be a strange lot but I guess it's not their 'area'. However as lupus can affect any area of the body, I don't see why the womb is excluded. It has been an issue for me for years which is why I'm wondering if Mycophenolate has actually settled things down. In that case lupus may have been the culprit all along. My GP is going through a list of interventions; next stop gynae consult.