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Thyroid UK

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All posts for May 2014

Thank you Shaw for your guidance.I will ckeck my ferritin, folate,iron and vitaminD test from laboratory.My latest Tsh level is 0.77 and

taking 137mcg Thyroxine daily before meal.
naveed123 profile image

Hi does anyone suffer from food sensitivies and what causes it?

I am unable to tolerate a lot of foods i was once able to eat. I get terrible fa...
annette12 profile image

Does high adrenaline compensating for lack of cortisol, cause stress and anxiety?

I'm just not sure what causes my terrible stress and anxiety, high or fluctuatin...
cc120 profile image
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What causes hair loss? Is it low ferritin, the being hypothyroid itself or/and medication?

My hair has become so thin, sometimes I just want to cry. It's especially thin a...
sip1 profile image

Does Seriphos / Phosphorylated Serine help to control / subdue adrenaline as well as cortisol?

I've just started 30mg NDT and hope that eventually my stress levels/anxiety wil...
cc120 profile image

Are you able to exercise? Do you feel worse after?

Almost any exercise is like a marathon at the moment (not yet taking medication ...
sip1 profile image

Magnesium spray oil when to use

I take my eltroxin at night I want to start using magnesium spray instead of the...
Mauds profile image

CQ100 or Cq10

Hi I am hypo thyroid simply as I and my thyroid removed. I have been suffering f...
stockman27 profile image

Help with my Blood results pls... :(

I have been suffering with hypo like symptoms for some time now.. irregular peri...
louise1985 profile image

tsh 0.06 decreased dose by 12.5 mcg a day to 100mcg daily.That was 15 days ago but now feel even more ill,would my tsh dropped even more ,

before it riseses in response to dose change and how long for my ths to rise an...
susiebow profile image

Urgent Cipro Question :-/

Hi, I am not sure whether this is the right place to ask so I apologise if not. ...
DonnaldIW profile image

Husband just diagnosed with hyperactive thyroid what can I expect to deal with

My husband got diagnosed recently after a month of exhaustion mood swings and sh...
Suey395 profile image

Low Calcium

My latest bloods came back with borderline low calcium. What does this mean and...
Flowers2 profile image

Newbie - Graves Disease diagnosed In December. Blood test results and Parathyroid query?

Hello all. First post here, although I've been following posts for a few months....
Thistle_Girl profile image

Any comments on the following blood results?

A friend of mine has had hypo like symptoms for some time now . She has Raynaud'...
TSH110 profile image

My thyroid levels are normal, but I still have hyper symptoms.

It has been a year some thing is wrong with my health. I had several blood tests...
mufresh1 profile image

iron supplement - endo says i don't have to take it

Hi is this supplement any good and are my results abnormal? endo says ferritin i...
Azurablue profile image

Please help... I feel like giving up!

I was diagnosed with M.E 12 years ago which has resulted in me giving up work an...
Dar68 profile image

Any advice or input on how I am doing on my Thyroxine? Results inc.

Ive been on T4 Thyroxine for over a month and a half now and my TSH has gone fro...
Anuba profile image

What should I do now?

I am four weeks post right hemithyroidectomy My blood results are: TSH 4.6 ( 0.3...
ksg123 profile image

Interesting article about depression and treatment with T3

Some of you may find this an interesting and very readable article about treatin...
TSH110 profile image

I take regular dizzy spells and at times black out or faint. I have had tests on my heart and also seen a neurologist but no diagnosis? ??

I have an underactive thyroid and currently on 150mcg levothyroxine
tattoedlady profile image

Is 1000mcg's of B12 a day too much?

I know that we don't absorb it all as supplements but once we start taking it. H...
Hidden profile image

Thanks to everyone!!

This time my GP heard me. After 9 years of trying he is at last sending me to an...
jezebel69 profile image

Hi i am glad i found this community, perhaps i can find an answer to my case. i am a 24y and trying to get pregnant for the first time.

i took a hormone test the second day of my cycle,and my hormone results came out...
memeHA profile image

Breathlessness and Weak Legs

Im feeling a bit concerned over the last couple of months because of an asthma k...
Numberone1 profile image

Can I insist on a fine needle aspiration if a single nodule is detected?

I've just come back from seeing my GP about a lump on my neck in the thyroid are...
Hidden profile image

I am hypothyriod patient.My vitaminB12 level was 336.I am injected neurobion injection after 10 weeks.Now my endo said neurobion injection

after 8 weeks.My endo said no need to test the ferritin , folate, iron and vitam...
naveed123 profile image

Infuriated to the point of straight jackets

My house looks like one of those featured on Channel 4 involving people with hoa...
MaryF profile image

Please help me with my list!

Finally have an appointment with the only GP who has said maybe your body runs b...
Helenback profile image