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All posts for June 2013

Also, anyone else uber hypersensitive to sound when in a flare?

Claiming for DLA

It has been suggested that due to my symptoms I may be able to claim DLA. Anyon...
daphers profile image

Anyone else feel terrible next day (fatigue/pain) if they've had just a few drinks?

My heart will pound all night too and I won't sleep?
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Broken bones?

Hi I just wondered if anybody has broken any bones but not realised at the time....
mum-two profile image

AntiCoagulation Europe (charity no. 1090250) needs your help with a major new survey AntiCoagulation Europe want you to tell...
warfarin1 profile image

One step at the time!!!!

Thought you might like this!!
janiceray profile image

Increase in immunosuppressants having some good results.

4-5 weeks ago my rheumy upped the azathioprine to the highest dose I've been on ...
Slowmo profile image

von willebrands

Does anyone have a bleeding disease that may be related to lupus? Anyone had...
westlife1 profile image

Fluid filled swellings on both legs below knee on inside then also under ankle bone! Whats this about?

any ideas? Feeling generally worse each day at the moment!
saranne profile image

What is polymyositis?

misty14 profile image

ANA speckled and titre of 80

Hello fonts of all knowledge. Having already been told I am positive to Ro and L...
Hidden profile image

Awaiting diagnosis

Hi all am new around here, and am currently awaiting diagnosis. I had some bl...
ronson profile image

pins and needs and numb arm and chest pain

Hi everyone I went to the gp yesterday as im experiencing chest pain with num...
LULU85 profile image


I'm totally confused have been seeing rheumy for past yr and last wk she staryed...
dawsden profile image

Need help

Been told I've got raynaulds that there's no test or medication for it also suff...
suemac profile image

Numbs Lips

Anyone get numb lips? Been having trouble spitting words out for ages as mouth ...

lupus, pain in the you know what !!

I can honestly say from reading the posts and talking with people who have lupus...
scoobydoo1 profile image

Currently going through diagnosis

Hey folks, i was told 2 weeks ago that i was to stay out of the sun at all costs...
starwalker profile image

Sore spine?! Does anyone experience this..

I have this area on my spine that is so tender. Hurts to touch even gently. For ...
trueman profile image


hi all put blogg on here before about losing it couldn't remember how to lock my...
letslaugh63 profile image

Rheumy appointment

I went to my first rheumy appointment today. I saw such a nice doctor who explai...
Chicklette profile image

Be positive with a positive attitude and positive things will happen

I am a person who suffers with lupus trace that has affected my kidney function ...
brandy28 profile image

Pre-menstrual mini-flare!!

Hi just wondered if anyone else is experiencing this? I am feeling very tired, m...
yasmine profile image

Has anyone developed shingles while on prednisolone ?

Voutton profile image


Ive just been prescribed this medication for pain and was wondering if anyone el...
lillyanne profile image


today is not a good day, now finished my prednisolone and feel like total crap. ...
scoobydoo1 profile image

London lupus clinic

has anyone been here and is it any good, seriously considering forking out to se...
scoobydoo1 profile image

Cold feet ....if only

I know many on here suffer with cold feet as I do to as I'm not diagnosed and re...
letslaugh63 profile image

How many blokes are registered on here?

Since being diagnosed, I keep being told I'm quite a rare specimen each time I s...

Apology for May's Blog

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the Chester Lupus Group for thei...
Paul_Howard profile image