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All posts for May 2018

Knitter required?

My good friend just told me I need ripped out and re knitted. I had a lump in my...
Lizard28 profile image

Embarrassing problem of incontinent during flare ups!!!!

I’ve always needed to empty my bladder very regular. Usually 15-20 times a day....
Lisalou19 profile image

Lupus neuropathy treatment?- prickly all over

Hello everyone. I was diagnosed last year with Lupus/Sjogrens. I have many sympt...
poseymint profile image
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SCLE atypical rash?

Hi all, thank you for allowing me to join. My husband saw a dermatologist yester...
sandibea profile image

Red Rash - thoughts? Please help!

Hello there folks! This is my first time on the forums - I’ve hesitated on aski...
Peppytea profile image

Help and advise please

Hello everyone I’m not posting for me today it’s my daughters birthday (19)tomor...
Ianrussell69 profile image

Gabapentin and weight gain...?

Hi everyone, I started gabapentin about amonth ago... 300mg daily tapering to 27...


I've been managing OA for some years now and have found walking difficult at tim...
chrisj profile image

Blood test results and what tests should be taken next?

I suspect i have an autoimmune disease since i have all the signs of one. My sym...
healthiskey profile image


Hi my name is Amanda im 44 but inside I am 94 it seems I am getting all the ails...
amanda73 profile image

Exhaustion & Photosensitivity/Lupus Patient

I would like to know how Lupus patients deal with the exhaustion. I would also l...


Hi, My name is Carole & am new,have Lupus, Sjogrens, & Barretts Disease.

Tomatoe problem anyone?

I'm rather new to flare up of auto-immune disease. I'm used to EDS issues. So I ...

Trouble with Rheumatologist

I believe it was in February when I saw a new Rhumie. I had a woman who wasn't t...

Anti CCP positive. I dont know what it means..

Hi all. Hope you are all having a tiptop day or at least a good plodding on day....

Negative ANA?

I've not been diagnosed with Lupus, but I do have many of its symptoms. I've ha...
chriscarter profile image

So fatigued

Hi everyone I’ve just joined recently and although I only have a diagnosis of ME...
breano profile image

DWP once again. When will they learn?
Lupiknits profile image

Update on the "lady" question.

All clear 😁! Thanks for all the great advice on here.
HeKe profile image


I've been taking 5mg of Prednisolone for 5 month how i can stop use ity ?
makto profile image

Side effect of hydroxychloroquine or symptom of seronegative lupus?

I’ve had a fantastic response to hydroxychloroquine and 3 kenalogue IM injection...
Lupymo profile image

Hot Hot Hot

Does anyone else feel like they are on fire when they are flaring? My face and n...
Loopydroopy profile image

Rumi appointment

Hi had a really productive appointment yesterday took a list with me went throug...
Ianrussell69 profile image

New antibody! What does this mean?

Have uctd and on hydroxychloroquine but got letter today from consultant to say ...
suky6 profile image

Update went to pcm

I Went to my pcm she isnt completely on board with neurologist but she ordered a...
KellyRenai profile image

Long road.

I feel like I’m on a long road to getting answers. I finally saw my rheumatologi...
lisa___s profile image

Anti-CCP 900+ but Lupus rather than RA?

Good evening all. I'm "on the verge" of being diagnosed with either Lupus or RA,...
Deb_Dragon profile image

This forum is brilliant

As you may know I’m still Lupus undiagnosed and have been fobbed off with ME, fi...
MsAndyIvy profile image

I feel like no one understands what I’m going through, work is a joke, one minute I’m happy the next I’m sad, which I never had lupus 😔😔

Tash1987 profile image

I'm a new member with a question..

Hello everyone, I've just joined the forum. I have had many of the symptoms of l...
Mandadown profile image