Hello there folks!
This is my first time on the forums - I’ve hesitated on asking for help as I don’t want to be seen to wanting to be ill, please understand that’s obviously not my motive.
About a two years ago I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. It took a lot of back and forth-ing to the doctors, to different GP’s who didn’t believe there was anything wrong with me. It’s been quite rough. I’ve also been diagnosed with hypothyroidism. Anyway, I’ve developed a rash on my face that covers my cheeks and (lightly) goes over my nose. I’ve been tested for Lupus twice now (I technically have symptoms but can be jotted down to Fibro) and both times I have resulted negative. But most every doctor I see they ask me if I have been tested for lupus, so they obviously think this rash looks suspicious.
I feel as if my health has been declining the past year and I can just feel as if something is off. Somethings not right. Just how I felt when I began to present with Fibro. But my GP just seems to think because I’ve tested negatively for Lupus, that’s the end of the line. Is the Lupus blood test just a yes/no? Or is it much like inflammation markers for Rheumy in which if you’re over 100 your GP refers you?
I just wondered if anyone would mind me posting some pictures of the rash to get your opinions on the matter (I don’t want to post immediately in case I’m breaking some kind of forum rule/ people aren’t interested). Some of you may be able to recognise it as something you’re suffering with. I know this won’t be a diagnosis, and I know my GP is probably right. I think where I had to fight so hard for my other diagnosis’ it has made me unsure of myself and my doctors. And I am a firm believer that the people dealing with autoimmune diseases (which are so tailored to each individual patient) know a lot more than a textbook.
Thanks in advance my dears and I hope you’re having a splendid evening!
Edit: added a photo, only just realised it can only be one! I’ll try to pick the best one! It hasn’t been edited apart from being cropped to try and hide my face (you’d have such a fright 😂). Anyway, it does vary greatly. This one is more bright pink and others it has a reddish tint. I also have spots which arent actually spots - it’s not infected. I literally leave them and after many weeks they go away, but they’re almost dry and crusty toward the end and I have only been getting them since the rash. I can try to post another thread with that in if it’s of any interest. Please let me know what you think? Thanks lovelies.