Posts - LUPUS UK | HealthUnlocked


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All posts for October 2013

Effortless fundraising!

Got married 2 weeks ago- asked friends to donate to LupusUK instead of giving us...

Diagnosis of lupus but feel completely fobbed off by my rheumy!!

Sorry this is going to be a long post but I just need to vent! I was referred t...
Medievalgirl profile image

hi lipid count

Hi , I have been told that I have lipid count tyrglyecerate was 3 times over the...
JJKANE profile image
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Brusing pain but not sign of bruise??

Hi all I am on a 6 week course of Prednisolone lowering my dose each week. I am...
AnnieKhan profile image

Paralysed tongue after chemo,this one has the medical experts baffled.

Hi first of all sorry this may be long.I have been having rituximab and Cyclopho...
mum-two profile image

SLE itching, restlessness & insomnia

I experienced my first attack of lupus a year ago, now looking back all the symp...
ashleigh30 profile image

can anyone help, im back on the steroids again as not been right for months just dontl like them. is anyone on them

is it worth being on a very low dose all the time im fed up feeling crap most da...
lainylooloo profile image

Hi, any advice welcome, I suffer from Discoid Lupus, I'm on Mepacrine, recently the butterfly rash as flared up, any suggestions?

Recent Dermatology appointment suggested I use Cutivate followed by Protopic! I ...
Silverlady51 profile image

Has anyone gone into major flare - literally too painful to move - after becoming ill?

On Monday A&E diagnosed pleurisy (breathing inc. painful, like tight band round ...
Carcrashgal profile image

Does anyone suffer from prickly heat

Is prickly heat part of the sle symptoms as I get it almost everyday it seems t...
Bats49 profile image

Does anyone ever experienced a very intense pain in the kidney area after taking azathioprine ?

Achilleas profile image

Does anyone else experience this?

Hello guys. I have been diagnosed with sle a few months back. Today I have been ...
blondie22 profile image

Does anyone get painful calves and feet at night. So bad tonight I can't sleep. !!

Think it may be restless leg syndrome? Wondering why I forgot to mention this l...
Sjink profile image

Thyroid cancer!

Just been dx today with thyroid cancer. Came as a shock although I knew deep dow...
Scoobydoo profile image

I have received a questionnaire to fill in for ATOS..

I feel sick and just want it all to go away. I am thinking about going to GP to ...
jamg3916 profile image

seen Rhumatologist for first time, wasn't expecting this...

I went for my first appointmet with my rhumatologist, and she told me i had to h...
charley07 profile image

Hi has anyone with lupus felt really ill or fainted when exposed to fluorescent lights. This happened to me a few days ago and was alarming.

moondance profile image

Sun Sensitivity

I seem to have a real problem with sun exposure..This is now the third time it ...
Hidden profile image

Hi my name is suki I was diagnosed with sle a year ago, i work 2 part time jobs is it worth applying for pip i have a app wk to fill in form

jeevan05 profile image

Should I expect to receive an outcome following my ATOS assessment? Had one back in May but have heard nothing...

Dove profile image

How do we know how long our ESA will get paid for?

I was put on this in 2010 and sent to Working Links via the job centre. I know m...
Dove profile image

What's the difference between quinoric and hydorchloroquine sulphate 200mg??

I've been on quinoric for the last 5 months and I seem to be getting on ok with ...
Belee profile image

I've had my letter confirming I'm going from IB to ESA WRAG from 19/10, however, it says they will only pay until 29/11 ?

I have not had a medical, they have not asked for any Fit/Sick Notes and I've ha...


I am waiting for my appointment to have this for the first time. I have SLE and ...
Helsbels profile image

I have been of work for 14 week been in for a couple wallfare meetings, trying to go back part time can work make me go bk full time thanks.

waiting to here if my employer will let me go back partime if not i think i will...
lainylooloo profile image

Is anyone using low dose naltrexone?

Hello. I'm new to the Community. I was originally diagnosed with M.E. but have...
MrsMouseSJ profile image

Are you in Herts, Beds & Bucks? Would you like to do an interview about lupus on BBC radio?

We've just been approached by BBC Three Counties Radio. They would like to do a ...
Paul_Howard profile image

Embarrassed but have to ask. Does anyone with SLE have urinary incontinence problems??

esky profile image