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All posts for May 2019

Has anyone experienced a major increase in hair loss from taking azathioprine?

I’m on 50 mg of azathioprine and 10 mg of prednisone. Am I to blame azathioprine...
Mishycake profile image


so I have to tell you all this one, I went to the ER with sharp chest pains,naus...
thestorm profile image

Avise test results

Got these test results back and although my titre is now 1:320 homogeneous, I am...
JennaShi profile image
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Malar Butterfly rash ?

Is this a Malar rash? No diagnosis to date but been under a rheumatologist for a...
Aleigh44 profile image

Post surgery

After the doctors visit in Birmingham yesterday, I can still only lay around and...
Tiras profile image

Nose biopsy anyone?

I know lots of you suffer with various nasal problems and I'm wondering if any o...

Shoulder pain

Hello everyone it’s been awhile since my last post. Hope all is well. Question h...
faithnhm333 profile image

NO one understands and hub bub.......

Hi my hub friends, so many of us and me, find it hard to just get our concerns a...
thestorm profile image

ANA titter increasing but Complement C3 high??

Hey guys, I wanted to get some insight from some of you who have a diagnosis of ...
MrsRN profile image

Does anyone else have thyroid problems with thei uctd/lupus?

My last blood tests in March showed raised thyroid level which have never had be...
Hidden profile image

I could cry 😢

My friends ❤️ I’ve been for my ent ultra sound scan today of the neck and face a...
Buckley123 profile image


Hey all So, still waiting on news from Rhumatology, looks like that appointments...
Bubble89 profile image

Extreme Sunsensitivity - Can anyone help?

Hi All, I've got a Rheumatology appointment tomorrow and a Dermatology appointme...
panda2 profile image

Dealing with family/friends/general life whilst investigations are pending - Please help!

Morning Everyone, I really need some advice, I am in the process of testing/rea...
Leenie0811 profile image


Got Rituximab in March and when I was at the hospital 2 weeks ago my kidney func...
Hidden profile image

Lupus and after cancer surgery

Well I made it outside to do some walking on this gorgeous, afternoon! Check ...
Tiras profile image

Fun? No, no, no

My poor houndrel has an autoimmune condition affecting his eyes. They are better...
Lupiknits profile image

Child’s Farm Products

Hello sun avoiders. I’m sitting in the house surfing the web while the sun beat...
Barbara17 profile image

Feel Pants

The days only just begun The sun is shinning and I feel Sad emotional angry fed...
Hidden profile image


Hi, I have just come out of hospital following sepsis, secondary to pyelonephrit...
Rubylu profile image

Help with energy bills?

Hello, i was wondering if anyone knows if there is help with energy costs? Im 33...
Rach459 profile image

DWP response ?

I am currently going through Tribunal stage for PIP appeal the mandatory decisio...
Hidden profile image

Sjogren Syndrome

Could someone tell me if you know have a right to see an eye specialist if you h...
Gillyg profile image

Rheumatologists are they qualified and trained at all. Totally fed up of dismissive healthcare professionals who clearly don’t have a clue.

I am so sorry I have to vent and rant like a mad woman. Was told by my rheumatol...
Hidden profile image

Haematology Appointment- advice please!

I have an appointment with my Haematology Consultant on Thursday and I just want...
Helsbels_ profile image

GP visit - shocked at response

Hello everyone this is my first time posting on this community although I have b...
Happy43 profile image

Acupuncture to reduce inflammation

Hi All I have UCTD and am in the final stages, I HOPE of getting off steroids. ...
Joy_1 profile image

The struggle is real

At my last rheumy review, with his new registrar
whisperit profile image

How do you explain pain😓😌😜

Hi all, here is a web site I am trying to post that may have some heartfelt word...
thestorm profile image

Breathing in with pain😢😢😢😢

Hi all, I wanted to know if anyone has trouble breathing with tightness around t...
thestorm profile image