Posts - Nutrition and Yoga for Health | HealthUnlocked
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Introducing the spirit of yin - the art of slowing down
Hello community - how are you?
Yin is the balancer to yang. We often find ours...
How's everyone getting on in 2025?
Hello community,
I cannot quite believe it's been so long since I posted. I'm s...
The rest is up to you....the imperative of rest..
An important question for you....
What’s your relationship with rest?
Can we i...
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The Moonlit Path of Yin - the cooling off and feeling deep
Recently returned from Zurich, on ‘The art and science of an embodied practice a...
Reflections on a 10 day vipassana silent meditation residential
Note: This is a prelude to Part 2 ‘Reflections on an 8-day silent zaz...
How to improve your blood pressure
I have recently fallen in love. With capillaries.
In his brilliant book, ‘The S...
How to nurture bone health
Hello Community,
Our bones are the structural architecture that connect us to t...
A simple tool to self soothe. Hand on heart
The simple things are the incredible things. Cultivating inner peace is no easy ...
Lubricating the spine in a gentle way
Dear Community,
Here we gather into the early calendar year of 2024. St...
Cultivating awareness of breath and body for calm
Worry, fear, anxiety, paranoia, jealousy, rage, resentment are all part of our h...
An introduction to Surya Namaskar (sun salutation in yoga)
The best way to learn is through experience. Especially when it comes to holisti...
What is naturopathic nutritional therapy?
In 2012, after 3 years of study at the College of Naturopathic Medicine in Londo...
How to befriend yourself. The Art of Appreciation
The ancient wisdom of honouring life though an embodied practice of gratitude - ...
Health News: Nourishment for Eyes
When my Mom was 6, an Alsatian (German Shepherd) dog jumped up on her, jarring h...
What is our cerebro-spinal fluid?
What is this sacred distillation?
An inner river of exploration….embodying thes...
Setting intentions and embodying those in your yoga practise
Setting intentions is the theme for this hour long yoga and deeper enquiry pract...
Sharing an hour's yoga practise 'Taking Aim'
Hello community,
Beautiful places inspire. I had the joy of a week in Artist's ...
Harness the power of mantra
Mantra stems from the root word 'manos' in Sanskrit. Manos meaning mind. 'Tra',...
Paths to wellness and inner healing
Being interviewed is essentially a chance to reflect on questions asked and how ...
Strengthening the glutes to support the knees
Hi community!
Knees can be such. tricky area when things go away in this wonder...
How yogic breath helps the health of Cerebro-Spinal fluid (CSF)
CSF continues to fascinate me and loving researching it more. This sacred distil...
How do you talk about your health journey?
Hello dear community!
In 2020, a project with one of the UK kidney charities, K...
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