Microbiome, Pooing, Toilet Humour: . Microbiome, Pooing... - NRAS


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Microbiome, Pooing, Toilet Humour

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9 Replies


Microbiome, Pooing, Toilet Humour

Potty Mouth 🚽 👄 -- aka FF (Feacal Fun)


🗣 💩 Talk Sh!t:

• Giulia Enders Intestinal School | Skavlan:



• Giulia Enders | Part 1 | Skavlan:



• Giulia Enders | Part 2 | Skavlan:




👅 💩 Eat Sh!t:

Dr. Michael Greger's NutritionFacts.org: nutritionfacts.org/?fwp_sea...


🆓 💩 Free Sh!t:

• FREE Whole Foods Plant-Based Diet/ Lifestyle (WFP-BD/L) Info for Interested Autoimmuners/ RAers: healthunlocked.com/nras/pos...

• 'Serology (RF, ACPA, Anti-CCP, ANAs, ANCA) in Rheumatology' from Dr. Robert Coughlan's 'Rheumatology Toolbox': healthunlocked.com/nras/pos...


😌 Easy 💩 :


• Turmeric: nutritionfacts.org/topics/t...


👣 Track 💩 :

• Gut-Brain Connection, FMT(fecal microbiota transplant): gutbrainconnections.blogspo...

• Living Matrix Health Tracker -- MyTimeline: livingmatrix.com/betrayal-t...


😂 Funny 💩 : Jill Enders illustrations in 'Gut': google.ca/search?as_q=Gut+i...

👍 Good 💩 : andyswarbs blog: foodandarthritis.blogspot.c...


Regular 💩 : paddisonprogram.com/regular...

Record-breaking 💩 : southpark.cc.com/clips/b582...

Verifying 💩 : southpark.cc.com/clips/1cgd...

Brewing 💩 : southpark.cc.com/clips/4126...


📖 Read 💩 : Giulia Enders 'Gut': spectator.co.uk/2015/05/dig...

👂 Hear 💩 : Regular Bowel Movements: How Constipation & Toxic Reabsorbtion Can Worsen Your RA Symptoms & What to Do About It: paddisonprogram.com/regular...

👁 👁 Watch 💩 : • Giulia Enders: Gut Reaction



• Intestinal Permeability with Dr. Tom O'Bryan: paddisonprogram.com/intesti...


👀 See 💩 : Bristol Stool Sample: upload.wikimedia.org/wikipe...


👃 Smell 💩 : paddisonprogram.com/reversi...




👅 Taste 💩 : m.youtube.com/watch?v=YbYWh...



🇩🇪 Translate 💩 :

• Giulia Enders - Darm mit Charme (WDR 5 Science Slam):



• Giulia Enders - 1 Platz beim 6 Freiburger Science Slam (Besser verständlich):




🏆 Outstanding 💩 : Dr. Graham Philips' ( abc.net.au/profiles/content... ):

• Gut Reaction Part 1: m.youtube.com/watch?v=f3iOl...


• Gut Reaction Part 2: m.youtube.com/watch?v=klnYh...



🛐 Holy 💩 : funnyjunk.com/Admins+toilet...


😳 Holy Moley 💩 : m.youtube.com/watch?v=S376i...



😱 Facing 💩 ? m.youtube.com/watch?v=WlBiL...



🌌 Cosmic 💩 ? m.youtube.com/watch?v=XfcC6...




7️⃣5️⃣ Chiropractic, Massage, Physical Therapy to Help Manage Pain: Matthew Redman: healthunlocked.com/cure-art...

7️⃣4️⃣ JIA-er Katy Shares Her Progress: From 10 Months Old to 26 Years Old: healthunlocked.com/jia/post...

7️⃣3️⃣ Quality Deep Sleep: Physical/ Mental Restoration & Improving Health: healthunlocked.com/cure-art...

7️⃣2️⃣ Oats as Cooked Oatmeal or Fermented Overnight. Rolled, Steel Cut, or Whole Groat. Prebiotic, Probiotic, not Idiotic via Dr. Richard Matthews.: healthunlocked.com/cure-art...

7️⃣1️⃣ DMARD Infographic: Methotrexate (MTX), Leflunomide (LEF), Sulphasalazine (SSP), Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ): healthunlocked.com/cure-art...

7️⃣0️⃣ Paddison Program (PP): Clinical Trial, Rheumatologist Contacting Clint Paddison, 'Guide for Rheumatologists', TEDtalk, etc.: healthunlocked.com/cure-art....



6️⃣9️⃣ Journey To 100: Evolution of Medicine (Functional Medicine & Importance of 'Community'): healthunlocked.com/cure-art...

6️⃣8️⃣ Dr. Michael Greger ('Sense & Sensibility') Shares "How Not to Die": healthunlocked.com/cure-art...

6️⃣7️⃣ Journalist Sumit Bose, Another RA-er Who's Documenting His RA Journey: healthunlocked.com/cure-art...

6️⃣6️⃣ 'Microbiome/ Gut Health Book List' from AARA: healthunlocked.com/cure-art...

6️⃣5️⃣ Practical, Brief Video Tips for RAers/ Autoimmuners: healthunlocked.com/cure-art...

6️⃣4️⃣ Supplements/ Nutrients (B12, Vit. D, Potassium, Protein . . . ) for RAers/ Autoimmuners & Plant-Based Dieters (Vegans, Vegetarians, . . . ): healthunlocked.com/cure-art....

6️⃣3️⃣ Sally, 'The Galloping Grandma': healthunlocked.com/cure-art...

6️⃣2️⃣ Why Does the Medical System Ignore the Importance of Diet? A Fable Told by John Robbins: healthunlocked.com/cure-art...

6️⃣1️⃣ Dr. Brooke Goldner's Free 3-Day Webinar, '6 Steps to Reversing Autoimmune Disease with Supermarket Foods': August 3/Thu, 7/Mon, 10/Thu 2017: healthunlocked.com/cure-art...

6️⃣0️⃣ 'No' to Fish Oil Too?: healthunlocked.com/cure-art...



5️⃣9️⃣ Top Rheumatoid Arthritis Blogs & Websites (from 'Feedspot'): healthunlocked.com/cure-art...

5️⃣8️⃣ Psoriatic Arthritis & Skin Psoriasis: Nicole S. O’Shea's Journal (& Journey): healthunlocked.com/cure-art...

5️⃣7️⃣ Anyone experience with Pulmonary Nocardia (Nocardiosis)?: healthunlocked.com/blf/post...

5️⃣6️⃣ Osteoarthritis: Prevented with Diet & Exercise? University of Surrey (U.K.) study in 'Nature Reviews Rheumatology': healthunlocked.com/ra-warri...

5️⃣5️⃣ "Guide for Rheumatologists" V 1.5.6 (for 'Paddison Program'-ers): healthunlocked.com/ra-warri...

5️⃣4️⃣ Life is all about how we see things. Context is everything. Perspective is everything.: healthunlocked.com/nras/pos....

5️⃣3️⃣ 2017 Food Revolution Summit: April 29 (Sat.) to May 7 (Sun.) Now Underway: healthunlocked.com/ra-warri...

5️⃣2️⃣ Reg, Coordinator of 'Redcar Arthritis Care Group', Shares His Thoughts about Movement/ Exercise & Arthritis: healthunlocked.com/nras/pos...

5️⃣1️⃣ Cornetto Trio? From Maya Angelou to Confucius to 'Oprah'!?: healthunlocked.com/nras/pos...

5️⃣0️⃣ "What Doctors Don't Know About the Drugs They Prescribe" by Ben Goldacre: healthunlocked.com/nras/pos...



4️⃣9️⃣ 2017 Food Revolution Summit: April 29 (Sat.) to May 7 (Sun.): healthunlocked.com/nras/pos....

4️⃣8️⃣ "People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it.": healthunlocked.com/fibromya....

4️⃣7️⃣ "When someone shows you who they are, believe them.": healthunlocked.com/fibromya....

4️⃣6️⃣ Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS): healthunlocked.com/nras/pos...

4️⃣5️⃣ Have you been on the "Paddison Program Forum"?: healthunlocked.com/ra-warri...

4️⃣4️⃣ Anyone on the "Paddison Program Forum"?: healthunlocked.com/nras/pos...

4️⃣3️⃣ "How U.S. Health Care Became Big Business": Medical Journalist, Dr. Elisabeth Rosenthal talks with NPR's Terry Gross: healthunlocked.com/ra-warri...

4️⃣2️⃣ Quinoa, Buckwheat, Sweet Potatoes, Leafy Greens, . . . 'Baseline Phase' of PP Diet Fulfills Nutritional Requirements (Diverse & Complete): healthunlocked.com/nras/pos...

4️⃣1️⃣ Healing Power of Resilience, Optimism, & Hope: Moving Forward from Trauma, PTSD, Physical & Psychological Abuse & Illness — Dave Pelzer: healthunlocked.com/nras/pos...

4️⃣0️⃣ Warm welcome, Hopeyj19!: healthunlocked.com/nras/pos...



3️⃣9️⃣ From Wheelchair to Bikram Yoga (in 10 Months): healthunlocked.com/nras/pos...

3️⃣8️⃣ "A Kitchen Fairy Tale" by Iida, How She Healed Herself with a Plant-Based Diet (according to 'Tribe Magazine'): healthunlocked.com/nras/pos...

3️⃣7️⃣ Can I Avoid RA Drugs or Should I Go On Drugs? 'Paddison Program' FAQ Opinion; Also: Methotrexate Explanation & References: healthunlocked.com/nras/pos...

3️⃣6️⃣ EarthToLor: Psoriasis, RA, Depression, Weight Gain; Triple Therapy & More; Potatoes & Rice: healthunlocked.com/nras/pos...

3️⃣5️⃣ New Arthritis Podcast: "Can Arthritis Potentially End a Musical Career?": healthunlocked.com/nras/pos...

3️⃣4️⃣ Cardiologist, Dr. Monica Aggarwal, Reduces Her RA Inflammation via Plant-Based Nutrition, Diet, Lifestyle: healthunlocked.com/nras/pos...

3️⃣3️⃣ AndySwarbs Shares His RA Hero's Journey — Joe Campbell Style: healthunlocked.com/ra-warri...

3️⃣2️⃣ Olive Oil — not Popeye's 'Olive Oyl': healthunlocked.com/ra-warri...

3️⃣1️⃣ Our Beloved AndySwarbs, a Hero's Journey: healthunlocked.com/nras/pos...

3️⃣0️⃣ Erika's Rheumatologist Confirms Erika's CCP Reduced (from 144.3 to 27) via Diet — turning_pain_n2_purpose: healthunlocked.com/nras/pos...



2️⃣9️⃣ "Super Juice Me!" Documentary by Jason Vale: healthunlocked.com/nras/pos...

2️⃣8️⃣ "Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead" Documentary by Joe Cross: healthunlocked.com/ra-warri...

2️⃣7️⃣ Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA): Jenn, Cole, & Joseph Share Hope & Practical Experience: healthunlocked.com/nras/pos...

2️⃣6️⃣ Jenn, Cole, & Joseph: JIA-ers Who Share Hope & Practical Experience: healthunlocked.com/jia/post...

2️⃣5️⃣ Empathetic 'Knee Photo' for Deejojo: healthunlocked.com/nras/pos...

2️⃣4️⃣ "Tis but a scratch . . .": healthunlocked.com/ra-warri....

2️⃣3️⃣ Placing Dietary & Lifestyle Approaches 'In Context'/ 'In Perspective': healthunlocked.com/nras/pos...

2️⃣2️⃣ Roxana, 'The Sofia Vergara of Peru' (& now 'The States'), Improves Her Hashimoto's (Hypothyroid) & Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA): healthunlocked.com/thyroidu...

2️⃣1️⃣ Any 'Ankylosing Spondylitis'-ers (AS)?: healthunlocked.com/ra-warri...

2️⃣0️⃣ Catching Up with 'Healing Josefine' -- Over 2 Years & 80+ Vlogs: healthunlocked.com/nras/pos...



1️⃣9️⃣ Dr. Pam Popper on: Hypothyroidism; Iodine, Thyroid Function & Thyroid Disease: healthunlocked.com/thyroidu...

1️⃣8️⃣ Self-Management Event in Southampton on Feb. 14 & 15 from 'Arthritis Action': healthunlocked.com/nras/pos...

1️⃣7️⃣ X-Ray Yoga: healthunlocked.com/ra-warri...

1️⃣6️⃣ Gentle Chair Yoga for RA, X-Ray Yoga for Wonderment: healthunlocked.com/nras/pos...

1️⃣5️⃣ Suicide -- Career & Otherwise: healthunlocked.com/nras/pos...

1️⃣4️⃣ Meditation, Mindfulness, Movement, Breathing, Relaxation, Stress Reduction . . .: healthunlocked.com/nras/pos....

1️⃣3️⃣ 13 Bite-Size Thoughts for Autoimmuners -- Newly Diagnosed (or Not): healthunlocked.com/ra-warri...

1️⃣2️⃣ "When You Know Better, You Do Better!": healthunlocked.com/fibromya...

1️⃣1️⃣ Dietary/ Lifestyle Considerations for Rheumatologists to 'Ruminate On': healthunlocked.com/nras/pos...

🔟 Spoon Theory, Spoonie, Spooning: healthunlocked.com/nras/pos...



9️⃣ Douglas Lisle: 'The Pleasure Trap': healthunlocked.com/nras/pos...

8️⃣ Dean Ornish, Neal Barnard, T. Colin Campbell, Caldwell Esselstyn, John McDougall, Michael Klaper, Michael Greger: healthunlocked.com/nras/pos...

7️⃣ "Poofed" Info, References, Links, Your Replies, etc. (at ALL 'Kai-- Posts'): healthunlocked.com/nras/pos...

6️⃣ FREE Whole Foods Plant-Based Diet/ Lifestyle (WFP-BD/L) Info for Interested Autoimmuners/ RAers: healthunlocked.com/nras/pos...

5️⃣ Vogons, Vulcans, Vegans: healthunlocked.com/nras/pos...

4️⃣ Microbiome, Pooing, Toilet Humour: healthunlocked.com/nras/pos...

3️⃣ For All Autoimmuner's: FREE 7-Part Documentary with Tom O'Bryan: healthunlocked.com/nras/pos...

2️⃣ FREE 3-Part 'Serology (RF, ACPA, Anti-CCP, ANAs, ANCA) in Rheumatology' Series from Dr. Robert Coughlan's 'Rheumatology Toolbox': healthunlocked.com/nras/pos...

1️⃣ "Live Your Life. . . ": healthunlocked.com/nras/pos....

Kai-- Profile: healthunlocked.com/user/kai... [Click on blue "Read more" text (at top of page) to read full profile.]


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9 Replies
KSee profile image

Hello Kai...thank you for the info 🙏🏻 Will take me a while to go through it over the Xmas holidays. 😀

Kai-- profile image

🎶 Musical 💩: Robert Klein singing the Colonoscopy Song:




😰 Queasy 💩: Captain Kirk ( en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jam... ) faces the prep & procedure: community.macmillan.org.uk/...


Kai-- profile image

Articles (links) of interest via post: "Multidiscipline research breakthrough: gut microflora & immune dysfunction" (from Lupus UK forum): healthunlocked.com/lupusuk/...


🤓 Scientists monitor crosstalk between intestinal microbes and immune system: sciencedaily.com/releases/2...

🤓 Gastrointestinal Manifestations of Rheumatologic Disorders, Review of Articles: sums.ac.ir/~semj/vol3/jan20...

🤓 VSL#3 Poly-biotic Food Supplement: vsl3.co.uk

🤓 The Gastrointestinal Manifestations of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: A Survey of the Literature: benthamopen.com/contents/pd...


[Many many thanks to Barnclown ( healthunlocked.com/user/bar... ) & participants in post discussion. 🙏 👍 🤗 ]

Kai-- profile image
Kai-- in reply to Kai--

For 'simpler' explanation -- tailored toward RA autoimmuners -- kindly consider listening to Richard Matthews audios:

🔬 How Gut Bacteria Influences RA: learnoutloud.com/podcaststr...

🔬 Probiotics & RA: learnoutloud.com/podcaststr...

🔬 Hormones & RA: learnoutloud.com/podcaststr...

Kai-- profile image

For more about, restoring good gut/ microbiome bacteria, see Miso Paste (towards bottom of page): Quinoa, Buckwheat, Sweet Potatoes, Leafy Greens, . . . 'Baseline Phase' of PP Diet Fulfills Nutritional Requirements (Diverse & Complete): healthunlocked.com/nras/pos...

Kai-- profile image

Microbiome insights/ thoughts from AARA ( healthunlocked.com/user/aar... ) et. al. worth a look-see:

Some Words of Encouragement. Severe RA and No Meds. right now. The Benefits of a Healthier Microbiome: healthunlocked.com/nras/pos...


🙏 🍀 🌺 🌞


Kai-- profile image


Another conference ('Journey To 100') touching on same themes: foods, lifestyle, microbiome:


Journey To 100: Evolution of Medicine (Functional Medicine).


Another outstanding resource (Functional Medicine) via AARA. (Once again, many many thanks to AARA for her wonderful find & kindly sharing it. 😌 🙏 )

"A world-exclusive conference dedicated to living a long and healthy life. 30th June 2017 | St Peter Port, Guernsey"


Although the conference has passed, they've left wonderful free 🆓 resources for us to reflect on:

Journey to 100 websites: journey100.org/join , journey100.gg/#speakers

Functional Forum (YouTube Channel playlist): m.youtube.com/playlist?list...

Journey to 100 video (8+ hour video 📹 ): m.youtube.com/watch?v=G2lNR...

Video segmented at: Journey To 100: Evolution of Medicine (Functional Medicine & Importance of 'Community'): healthunlocked.com/cure-art... for ease of use.


🙏 🍀 🌺 🌞




Also, AARA's list of Microbiome/Gut Health Books are at:

📚 Microbiome/Gut Health Book List: healthunlocked.com/nras/pos...

📚 'Microbiome/ Gut Health Book List' from AARA: healthunlocked.com/cure-art...


Kai-- profile image


Diverticulosis/ Diverticulitis


If you've Diverticulosis/ Diverticulitis (along with RA and/or other Autoimmune Illnesses) this may be of interest:

🤔 Diverticulosis: When Our Most Common Gut Disorder Hardly Existed: m.youtube.com/watch?v=K64v_...

Transcript: nutritionfacts.org/video/di...



🤔 Does Fiber Really Prevent Diverticulosis?: m.youtube.com/watch?v=5A0Ch...

Transcript: nutritionfacts.org/video/do...



🤔 Diverticulosis & Nuts: m.youtube.com/watch?v=kYMbK...

Transcript: nutritionfacts.org/video/di...



More Diverticulosis/ Diverticulitis Search results info from:


"Hiromi Shinya diverticulosis videos": google.com/search?as_q=Hiro...



. . . 🔎 Diverticulosis: nutritionfacts.org/?fwp_sea...

. . . 🔎 Diverticulitis: nutritionfacts.org/?fwp_sea...


HU Forums:

. . . 🔎 Diverticulosis: healthunlocked.com/search/d...

. . . 🔎 Diverticulitis: healthunlocked.com/search/d...


For more on Dr. Denis Burkitt, kindly see his video interview with Dr. John McDougall at:

. . . 🔎 2017 Food Revolution Summit: April 29 (Sat.) to May 7 (Sun.) Now Underway: healthunlocked.com/ra-warri...


😌 🙏 🍀 🌺 🌞


Kai-- profile image


Hormones & RA

Hormones and Rheumatoid Arthritis Dr Richard Matthews:


Transcript: paddisonprogram.com/hormone...



Dr. Pam Popper on How to Become an Informed Patient:


Links to full video & audio follow below.




[Originally posted at ‘Hormonal RA flare-ups’: healthunlocked.com/nras/pos... .]


Supplemental ‘hormonal’ information, Beautifulmovement:

"Dr. Pam Popper on How to Become an Informed Patient" touches on hormones & disease ‘activity’.

. . . Video (full, uninterrupted 37 minutes): facebook.com/leangreenDAD/v... (click on video (thumbnail image) under caption "Dr. Pam Popper shares how to become an informed patient . . . "

. . . Audio (45 minutes): Dr. Pam Popper Can Help You Help Yourself! leangreendad.com/2018/03/05...

[Originally posted: healthunlocked.com/nras/pos... ]


• Richard Matthews discusses "Hormones and Rheumatoid Arthritis": paddisonprogram.com/hormone...

"Hormones" search 🔎 results in NRAS ( healthunlocked.com/search/h... ) & HU ( healthunlocked.com/search/h... ) forums.


Wishing you the very best, Beautifulmovement. 😌 🙏 🍀 🌺 🌞


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