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MPN Voice

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All posts for July 2012

I was diagnosed with PV and have to take Hydroxycarbamide. I'm breaking out in cold sores constantly. Has anyone else suffered with this?

jogging1 profile image

just wondering, any 'young patients' with mpd's here? and if so how young and what mpd do u have, and what treatment are you getting?

kentuckyrain profile image

I have been diagnosed with PV. Can anyone recommend travel insurance for under 50s?

jogging1 profile image
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Stem cell treatment for joint/hip repair for ET patients?

I wonder if anyone with ET have to face hip replacement surgery. I would rather ...
light profile image

Travel Insurance

Anyone having difficulty finding travel insurance? Went to new York earlier this...
R8afg profile image

Has anyone with ET successfully applied for Disability Living Allowance (DLA)?

Ginnyhelen profile image

Just been diagnosed with ET

Hi there, I have just been diagnosed with ET (this week). I don't know much abou...
sjdard profile image

I have PV I am just having venesection blood normal should I still have headaches and fatigue the specialist nurse thinks not is she right

hollymae profile image

Anyone any ideas on how to reduce the uncomfortable body itch that comes with PV ?. Tried various antihistamines with no success.

sutherland profile image

How have you had to change your life in response to your MPD?

rubyrubyruby profile image

How long did it take to come to terms with your condition?

I heard at one of the London forums that it is believed the average time is 2 ye...
ourlife profile image

I have ET my platelets are usually between 650 and 800, I dont take any meds apart from aspirin 75mg

do any of you,take other meds on this platelet level, i am 64.
treebeard profile image

I have MF and for the past week have had severe pain under my left ribs and back but only when I cough. Anyone else had this?

telvis profile image

Has anyone with ET had a stroke or a T.I.A?

vic01 profile image

Has anyone been on meds for over 10 years ?

When I was diagnosed 12 years ago my Haematologist (I must add that he was not a...
ourlife profile image

Has anyone successfully claimed on a critical illness insurance policy for an MPD ?

ourlife profile image

What are your current counts ?

I would be interested to know what everyone's counts are - and I think it shows ...
ourlife profile image

Does anyoneknow about myelo fibrosis and severe lung fibrosis

ardpatrick profile image

MAJIC (Ruxolitinib) Trial?

Has anyone put themselves forward for this? I saw my haematologist yesterday...
Jo_L profile image

Anyone manage platelet levels with something other than strong meds?

My platelet levels have increased significantly in 6 months since diagnosis in J...
rubyrubyruby profile image

Does anyone eith ET have feet pain?

I have had bone pain for 20 years, joint pain for the last year and feet/heel pa...

Do you have problems with miss-spelling words on the PC ?

This is a problem I encounter daily. I am convinced it is related to the cog...
ETphonehome profile image

How to get Pegasys in UK

I am in Scotland and want to try Pegasys, I have PV and am treated wiht venisect...
Optimistic profile image

Does anyone have PRV, AND restless leg syndrome? Just wondered what sort of medication you take, if any. Thanks

Does anyone have polycythemia AND restless leg syndrome? Just wondered what so...
LouisePRV profile image

HealthUnlocked forum layout and design ?

I am very appreciative that this forum was set up but does anyone else find it b...
ETphonehome profile image

Trial or not to Trial

I am now trialling SAR302503 - and am giving extra bloods, marrow & DNA samples ...
ourlife profile image

Exemption from prescription charges for MPD medication.

Are you taking medication for your MPD? Are you paying prescription charges ...
Mazcd profile image

Interferon v Peg. Interferon

Does anyone know if the new Peg. Interferon is more expensive than the standard ...
StreetPastor profile image

Life long clexane injection

For the past year I have been having daily Clexane injection .I have been told ...

Stay positive and try not to become too anxious

I was diagnosed with ET over 16 years ago whilst pregnant. I was told very litt...
amarylis profile image