I have had bone pain for 20 years, joint pain for the last year and feet/heel pain in the last two months. I can barely walk. Been on Hydrea 2.5 years. Could this be a side effect.
Does anyone eith ET have feet pain?: I have had... - MPN Voice
Does anyone eith ET have feet pain?

You should get the heel/foot pain checked out by your GP, just to make sure that it isn't something else rather than part of your MPD. I had a similar problem a few years ago with excruciating pain in my heel, it turned out to be plantar fasciitis and nothing to do with my ET.
I think you might find a podiatrist helpful - sometimes they are associated with Sports shops dealing in footwear.
I also have feet/heel pain.
I've been seeing doctors to find out why and nobody could give me the answer, because there aren't other reason then ET and medicine I've been taking. (Anagrelide)
Thanks, I'll call my GP.
I have pain in my toes and too but I am only on 81 mg asprin. GP thinks it is gout but only have these effects when my blood levels are high
I too have pain in my toes and ball of my foot. It fluctuates and can be a real nuisance for 2-3 months and then it goes away for a while!! I have ET and have been on Aspirin and Hydrea for 6 years. My haematologist thinks that the pain in my toes may be due to tiny clots in the small blood capillaries, but it doesn't seem to have any relation to what my bloods are doing!
I have had pain in my big toe and it was gout. Uric acid up, drank a lot of water and it went away and stayed away.
Thank for responding.
I had one very scaly foot with flakey skin I also had plantar fasciitis in both feet,when I came off the Hu my foot completely went back to normal! One year on the plantar fasciitis has gone in one foot but I sometimes get pain in the ball of the other this has never been linked to my ET
yes I had a lot of pain in my toes 5 years ago, before being diagnosed with ET but it cleared up after going on Aspirin 75mg, I sometimes get it back but it does not last
i was having pain in my feet and hands morning and evenings. i thought it must of been something to do with ET as i had not suffered before being diagnosed last year with ET and being prescribed Hu. my hemp said he didn't think it was connected and i was referred to a rheumatolgist wjere i have since been diagnosed with sjogrens syndrome, a lot of symtoms are similar to my ET so struggling at the moment
Hi Blessed
I have started with foot pain and heel pain recently I have ET on aspirin only so not sure if it is a side affect of medication or something else. I have a lot of arthritis going on so no one seems to know what is causing what with me.
Best wishes