Posts - Fibromyalgia Action UK | HealthUnlocked

Fibromyalgia Action UK

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All posts for September 2012

Giving up smoking!!!!

Tomorrow myself and two work colleagues are giving up smoking, if either of us ...
Homer profile image

applied for DLA. waiting for results :-$

Feeling really emotionally weird. Worked myself up for this 'assessment' . More ...
gilz profile image

daughter update

hey guys , how you all doing? hope your all doing well, just thought would give...
teresa-67 profile image
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The weather

As autumn starts to appear I really think this damp awful weather is why alot of...
Hidden profile image

Grey day and I am afraid pretty rough inside as well as out ..................

No energy keep falling asleep , back pains - neck pain - pain in the ribs and p...
Ginsing profile image

My mum gets attendance allowance , how do I claim the road tax

Hi there Hope u s are all well(as u can be with fibro) My mum gets attendance ...
kilts profile image

privately seeing a rhuemy question

i have decided to see a rhuemy privately and just want him to examine me and wri...
electricjaws profile image

DLA for a Child

HI I am a newby to this site. I applied for a renewal for my daughter for DLA w...
matthew16 profile image

data protection

I was just wondering and if anyone has any idea about this please let me know bu...
lizzyboo profile image

Hello, i've never joined a forum before but having just moved to Fareham I wondered if there's a fibro or arthritis support group locally?

I'd also welcome any advice about finding an understanding gp. I only know my pa...
Shads profile image

Well survived the rheumatologist and have almost recovered.

Apologies for not letting everyone know how the appointment went yesterday but i...
madmoo profile image

atos medical home visit???

ive just had my appt through to go to croyden made me laugh when they give you h...
fairytails profile image

Does my partners pension get affected by esa?

If and of course it is a big if.. I do just happen to get esa does it affect my...
Bacaloca profile image


Hi,Help: just got back from docs.I went as i am having trouble with severe pai...
jolow profile image

Am i a robot ?

Hi everyone, when i finally managed to drag myself out of bed this morning i wal...
irisjoy profile image

Muscle rub

Hi, having real bad time at the moment. Has anyone been able to find a good musc...
stubal profile image

OMG sure my body hates me

I apologise in advance for slight rant :P. Woke up this morning to my neck shoul...
ShadowWolf profile image

Doctors & Job Centre

After visiting my job centre, the lady that interviewed me, said i should go hom...
coops profile image


hi all sorry i have not been on my depression really bad along with pain. finall...
ziggyinhants profile image

my life: been away for a while

well hello everyone, have a hundred things to say, was reading a few blogs there...
hagi profile image

has anyone heard of low dose naltrexone my consultant recommended it dont know what to do

shaz66 profile image

How do we explain - in brief - what is disabling about FMS?

There are the cynics, the well meaning offerers of advice and cures, and the bew...
SuzySparkle profile image

Flare up threatening - very wrong time

I'm just new here - I have been diagnosed with Fm for years + the usual ibs etc....
jimjams profile image

Feet on Fire

Feet feel like I've been walking on them for a week non-stop, really burning. W...
Jezobelle profile image

Got the results of my ESA appeal today!!!

Got the result in this morning, they have told me i have to stay on work related...
sh3ronb profile image

ESA Appeal won.... awarded 15 points and placed in wrag group with a recommendation that i dont be assessed again within 2 yrs

well, after feeling like a fraud for the past 10 months, i had my tribunal this ...
barnsleysar profile image

hi all

just thought i would say hello as i haven t been on for a while iv been recoveri...
trigger profile image

I was expecting a custodial sentence by the end of the tribunal!!!!

I attended my tribunal today(any errors are merely through angre and sheeer exha...
Ozzygirl64 profile image

Big thank you I got an apology from my doctor

Thanks to everyone who gave me support when I posted a blog after my gp reduced ...

Funny how life changes... in an instance

If only I'd stayed in bed on Saturday because I was feeling so relaxed and conte...
stormwytch profile image