hey guys ,
how you all doing? hope your all doing well, just thought would give you an update on my daughter ami , she saw her oncologist today( i was deading the outcome of this) he has told her the results of the biopsy they tested the thickest and fattiest of the tissue and the furthest of the lympyh node gland (orbes), the cancer had spread to them and there is a chance it is in her blood or there is a chance she is already cured so next step chemo to kill any cells in the blood they is no test to test this so that is why they recommeding chemo they explained her chemo she will have it every 2weeks interveinously she will go on a monday have it put in then free to go home and then come back wednesday to have it removed , the post keep moving they drip feeding my daughter bits of info , i hope and pray to god it hasn't gone in her blood , she told me today her and her husband have a plan of action to rent a house near her mum-in-law they veiwed one today she was going to finish her job but after speaking with her boss they have created a job she will be able to do till she is well enough to go back to her original post after the chemo in 6months, she is an events manager for premier touch in austarlia, i am numb, i feel useless as a mum as i am here n she is there in oz we really dont know what we are doing we have not exactley got the money to be getting out there, my daughter is remaining strong and positive ans so must me and the hubby , my hubby is feeling fed up today it is soo blooming hard it is like we are in a film honestly , people speak n it's not registering it's sareal. how can i moan and complain how i am feeling when my daughter is being so positive , i keep getting palpations i know this i because i am worrying,i have had a burning pain in my chest this morning they both seem to have settled for the moment my feet hurt , my hips are hurting so on and so on , thanks for reading/listening i appreciate it is such a relief to say what i say on here , my youngest is now 27 + week pregnant and all is going well i am keeping my eye on her as she lives with us such a releif she is living with us xx thanks my fibro buddies , keep well and look after yourself now the colder weather is drawing in
gentle hugs
(((((( teresa xxx)))))