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Fibromyalgia Action UK

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All posts for September 2012

down but not out

hi all just a quick update.went to welfare rights man this afternoon,hes a funny...
pondminstrel profile image

Hope this makes you laugh

I have to admit that I've been a right old misery lately because I've felt so cr...
fleurmp profile image


Hi i just want to say a big THANKYOU to you all for your support and your kind m...
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what to do after esa tribunal is denied

im making an appointment with my cab advisor but in the meantime does anyone kno...
bellablot profile image


ok so its only 5.30 but i am off to bed for a night of chillin watching junk on ...
webby profile image


This site is becoming like eastenders, I came on here to see how you all are as ...
Homer profile image

DSS the next installment

Well today after taking the 75mg Amatryptaline last night, I got hardly any slee...
Devonlady profile image

how are some people winning esa tribunals and others like myself are not??

we all have the same conditions i was awarded 15 points and still ive been kept ...
bellablot profile image

Can i get posters?

I think i read somewhere on here, that you will send out fibro posters. Is this ...
crackersgem profile image

esa tribunal turned down,

esa tribunal turned down, as im worse now than i was in april the month that the...
bellablot profile image

Stuck between a rock and a hard place.

I'm babysitting my gorgeous little grand-daughter today and have a problem. T...
julieevh profile image

christmas cards

are you doing any cards as i would love to buy some
webby profile image

left my brain on the kitchen sink lol

was just about to write a blog about something and kept pressinbg the wrong butt...
webby profile image

off sick

today i rang in sick boss asked what was wrong with me told him the codl wind fr...
angied profile image


Does anyone else suffer from hearing problems ? I have great difficulty in heari...
Hidden profile image

Is it Friday yet?

Oh, I hate writing a blog just to have a moan, but I think it's going to be that...
SootyB profile image


Right another fight on my hands? Its never ending! I was given lower rate care i...
sadoldred profile image

Feeling low today...

Today is the first day that our youngest daughter starts the second year of her ...
Moop profile image

Drs today

surgery rang the other day saying that the dr would like me to come in for a rev...
sharonissexy profile image

Update on Jordan

Jordan is now awake! He is very confused but getting better each day. He has a ...
Deb1701 profile image

When I go away abroad or just any where different ...

I have all ways adopted the characteristic that i can do things :- what am I o...
Ginsing profile image

Back home :-(

Back in the uk after a wonderful week away. I can see why people want to live in...
Hidden profile image

please will you sign ???

If you get DLA for fibromyalgia, CFS/ME mayby you would like to sign the petitio...
24492449 profile image


Well I have been laying here for the past 4 hour's in pain listening to the rain...
Sthandra profile image

Ouch ouch ouch!!!!!!!

When you guys used to say that pain woke you up I thought thank god that doesn't...
Homer profile image

An idea for DWP cutbacks

I had to visit the local JobCentrePlus this morning. At 9.50, when we left, t...
julieevh profile image

i finaly c after yrs many yrs of pain.which diagnosed 5 yrs ago.the specialist went about it in way did nt belief.fb jogged me in 2 search

last week searched on internet...this site more than opened my eyes..most blogs ...
debuk profile image

Frustration overload

Do you feel like a side show at times ? , when i need to use my stick people are...
Hidden profile image


Can anyone answer this one for me? I went to appeal for my ESA week last Friday....
sadoldred profile image

Does the feeling of guilt ever leave you??

Although my partner (Paul) is fantastic he has to take on my housework at times ...
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