Does anyone else suffer from hearing problems ? I have great difficulty in hearing people talk if theirs a lot of back ground noise and tend to zone out, also i get noise sensitive ???
Hearing: Does anyone else suffer from... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
I believe that fibro can increase sensitivity to noise/light etc. Also, it's probably worth getting sent to an ENT via the GP, if you're finding that your hearing is impaired. I did this a couple of years ago (when my most common response to any question was 'pardon?'), and the ENT diagnosed me with otosclerosis (a fusion of the bones in the middle ear). I now have a hearing aid, and it helps a lot, although I still struggle in noisy environments, as the aid amplifies everything, not just what I want to listen to!
Sara xx
i suffered bad from glue ear as a toddler and as a result went stone deaf in one ear and profoundly deaf in the other and was like that for 18 months as doctors said my mum was neurotic and i was in a world of my own any way i had an op and then i had perfect hearing, but i get sore ears and they have said i have fluid in my ear but have done nothing, however my Paul finds it the most frustrating thing about me xx

Yeah, my OH was getting so annoyed! He's got a quiet voice, so I'd sometimes only catch one word in a whole sentence! I told the ENT I'd either have to get myself a hearing aid, or my boyfriend a megaphone!
Unfortunately, if you're in Milford, you're probably a bit short of local expertise! Not sure if Withybush has much of an ENT service, but I would guess that your GP should know, and would be able to refer you - a gentle push in the right direction might help! Failing that, maybe see if the Boots in HaverfordWest has a hearcare department to test your hearing - then you can take the results of the free hearing test to the GP to encourage a referral.
Sara xx
I have hearing loss in my left ear, to be honest I don't think it is anything to do with Fibro ... too many front row tickets standing by the speakers I think.
Since having CFS and Fibro I find that I can get overwhelmed, even panicy if I'm somewhere where there are lots of different noises, music, conversations etc. A busy pub or restaurant is just a nightmare for me as I can't concentrate on just one thread but get inundated with conflicting noise.
Maybe some of it is my age - I'm 53; hardly prehistoric but considerably older than you Rachie.
Julie xx
I get that and have in the past asked places to turn their music down, thankfully Paul can see when i'm getting overwhelmed and helps me stay calm
I have hearing loss in both ears but have not got round to doing anything about it yet. I just say 'pardon' rather a lot! The most annoying thing for me is that I also suffer from tinnitus - my right ear is constantly making ringing, ticking sounds and my left ear clicks loudly whenever I lie down. Apparently there is no cure for this It certainly doesn't help towards getting a good nights sleep and can make me a bit cranky at times. Being outside helps but I can't live all my life in the garden!!
I suffer from tinnitus as well but have done for so long it's just normal to me. But i don't do well with high pitched noises.

Tinnitus is a nightmare! I still get it at night, when I take the aid out, but the hearing aid sorts it out during the day, and makes it a lot easier to concentrate. Like Julie and Rachie, though, I really struggle with multiple stimuli - I get snappy and confused.
Sara xx
Hi I have hearing loss in both ears severe to profound in left and moderate to severe in right and fibro was after hearing loss but it took so long to get diagnosed it's a bit like which came first chicken or the egg really.i have been told that the nerve endings are dying and there is no way to stop further hearing loss,it will go at it's own rate apparently and i wear two hearing aids but even though they are digitally set to my level of hearing i still struggle with noise too much mostly and cannot quite understand anyone who has a low tone or accent high pitches crucify me grrrr lol.I mostly don't wear them unless i really have to as i have constant sounds ringing and buzzing in both ears add aids and it's manic.It seems that there are a few here with hearing problems and as fibro can affect e.n.t it may not be too far fetched to assume it's connected in some way.In saying that i do not wish to scare anyone who has perfect hearing and fibro as we all all different and what affects one may not another i just think it's interesting to see how many have one symptom but not another.Good luck and have a word with your Dr for expert advice and hopefully something can be done for you, x jo
Thank's and although i feel i live at the doctors sometimes i will in time get my ears checked. xx
Yes I have this same problem, watching the soaps on tv, when they are in the pub's is particularly bad. I have to lip read the one's doing the main conversation. I have a lot of tinnitus as well, which I often only realize I have when it actually stops. Not sure if I should attribute this to fibro or not.
According to my research, tinnitus is now a recognised symptom of Fibro - not that my rhuematologist would agree though! I find it one of the most annoying symptoms as it never goes away. Jane x
I have read this Jane, but just wasn't sure, seems like it gets the blame for everything, so I tend to think surely one syndrome just cannot be responsible for all these complaints! I have almost every dam symptom there is, irritable bladder/bowel, hearing, eczema, pain, headaches, cramps, fog, I've even read that sinusitis can be attributed to fibro, I've suffered with that bad since I was 21, so 34 years ago now! I think I've had fibro for 20 years, but maybe it's longer than I thought.
Yes, I have numerous other symtoms too although I have only very recently been diagnosed. My GP described Fibro as a 'dustbin diagnosis' ie a syndrome that is left when everything else has been ruled out. It seems odd that so many of us have so many symptoms in common though doesn't it. Best wishes to you. Jane x
Doctors don't help as some have a tendency to say that whatever the problem, your visiting with is due to the fibro and thats it. thankfully after many crap doctors ( was married to a soldier so moved every 2 years.) i have developed a don't bullshit me Aura. I always say to myself "they are not Gods the are as equal to me just brainier but no matter what they have learnt i know my body better than them.
Sorry gone on a bit hehe x

Although I've been suffering with it for years, I only got around to mentioning the tinnitus to my GP recently and he didn't make any suggestions of things to help it, though perhaps thats because he thought what I'm already doing was OK. But I generally keep some kind of background noise in during the day because I can't stand how loud silence is! At night, the silence is so deafening that it stops me sleeping. My solution some years ago was to buy a pillow with an inbuilt speaker so I could listen to audiobooks at night without disturbing anyone else (I can't sleep to music). When the pillow needed replacing I cut it open and rescued the speaker which I now slip under a regular pillow. I find having something to concentrate on sometimes helps my anxiety attacks too.
Does anyone know of any other ways of dealing with tinnitus thats more effective that constantly trying to drown it out? It would be so nice to be able to enjoy some peace and quiet once in a while.
It depends on the type of tinnitus, I think. Mine has always been a constant pounding (like being inside an artery), and I find that having the window open listening to traffic noise tend to distract from it. I also use it to my advantage on occasions, as sleeping on my 'good ear' and leaving the dodgy one upwards means that I can't hear the tv on downstairs! I believe that people use white noise or similar to detract from the sounds, or maybe try - it allows you to pick the sounds, the mix, the volume, etc. - I used to use it in clinic to drown out (no, not the patients) the random, irritating noises in public places!
Sara xx
Thanks for the tip Sara. I will defo check out the website. OH doesn't like me opening windows as he feels the cold (I am usually too hot!!). Just as well that we are fairly compatible during the day time
I love the idea of the audio books Lindy. I tried listening to my iPod but the ear phones kept dropping out or were uncomfortable. A pillow speaker sounds just the job but I wonder if it would keep my OH awake? What with my tinnitus and his snoring night times are are bit if a noisy nightmare! x

I live in a block of flats and I've always worried about disturbing my neighbours at night but I find that if I lift my head from the pillow I can't hear anything from the speaker, though I did discover when I stayed at my sister's a few days ago I had to turn the volume down when I put the speaker under her softer fluffier pillows than the level I have it on under my firmer supporting pillow. I tried earphone before I found this pillow too but they were SO uncomfortable. I think my pillow was called a 'sound asleep' pillow but I've seen other ones since.
Thanks again for the tip Lindy. I will defo check that out! x