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Quit Support

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All posts for April 2014

I've quit smoking, now I'm having trouble breathing and I'm scared.

I had some kind of a lung infection, a viral type that was causing me minor ch...
zigzzagz profile image

2 Months in and feeling a bit low........ is this normal? Ecig users advice needed please :)

ok so 2 months being smoke free, and the last few days I have been gagging for a...
Pinkiezoom profile image
26 Months Winner

TUESDAY - DAILY CHAT - 08/04/2014

Happy Tuesday Everybody!!!! So how is everybody feeling today? I have to say I...
ChrissieG profile image
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7 weeks in and I've been coughing like crazy or the last 2 - 3 weeks. Sometimes it's productive others just a constant tickle. Normal???

AdeCM profile image

Help! I'm day 7 of quitting smoking. And I'm a mess. I could just about chew my arm off for a smoke right now.

I'm miserable, cry at the drop of the hat, and think about smoking every second ...
gypsysmum profile image

MONDAY – DAILY CHAT – 07/04/2014

Happy Monday Everybody!!! And what a soggy day it is around these parts but I ho...
ChrissieG profile image

Quit smoking Dec 2012 but went on to vaping not sure what harm they are doing

dagape profile image

Its the second day ended without a cig using e-cig. Need to know about nicotine level i should use. I was smoking dunhil lights with 0.6 mg

The juice for ecig is pretty expensive in Pak it is equal to 12 US$ per 10 ML. I...
SaqibRiaz profile image

Hello to you all

Shaun here saying hello to you all. I'm into month 2, though only just ! It's ...
44cmn profile image

Trying again but determined to do it this time

Hi after several relapses I had my final cig yest at 4 I clock I am using patche...
Robson2732 profile image

HI - I use Niquitin Minis to help me stop - I am struggling to find them on the shelves and online! Anyone else found this?

virgoansun profile image
Badge pending

A message if you are having to use oxygen

Hi everyone I have just read on another Community that people who are using oxyg...
Hidden profile image

SUNDAY /DAILY CHAT /06/04/2014

Good morning everyone, First of all thank you all for the birthday wishes. Sorry...
jillygirl profile image

Hi everyone im 24hrs smoke free on champix determined to succeed this time! Getting bad headaches does anyone know if this is a withdrawal?

KazMoore profile image


HOW QUIT SUPPORT HELP ME BEAT SMOKING AND CANCER. The older members will probabl...
jillygirl profile image


Good morninig everyone, Firstly thank you to Chrissie who is doing a great job ...
jillygirl profile image

Problems sleeping since quitting smoking

Hi! I quit smoking Feb 11th and since then I have not been able to fall asleep o...
Ljyoung profile image

Hi. Quit cigarettes in Jan and started vaping. Last two weeks started coughing.. Could it be the ecig or are my lungs just recovering?

I googled coughing while vaping, but it says you only cough first week or so, wh...
anker profile image

Found out today I have sarcoidosis! It says one of the things to help is stop smoking! I have 10 left! Then what.....? What do I do?

I've tried before but couldn't even go a day! Please help..!
Kirsty26 profile image

dealing with stress

I was just curious to know what new methods any of you have developed to relieve...
Peep92 profile image

Day three and I think I'm doing ok

I had to go into hospital for surgery on Wednesday so I decided to use it as an ...
happy_bird profile image

FRIDAY - DAILY CHAT - 04/04/2014

Hi Everybody Well it’s Funday Friday, my favourite day of the week, I just love...
ChrissieG profile image


using the inhalator cant sleep new grandchild a boy is due 14th may doing it for...
vitemen profile image

Lack of sleep and vivid dreams?

Hi, I'm new to this site and figured this is a great place to inquire about some...
AlyssaMarie profile image
10 weeks winner

THURSDAY - DAILY CHAT - 03/04/2014

A Very Happy Thursday to Everybody! Hi Everyone Well it’s just a quickie becau...
ChrissieG profile image

Hi everyone

Just thought I'd introduce myself as I just joined. I'm taking Zyban and am on d...
Peep92 profile image

well with a name like griffiths you might think i would support all things welsh, and it must be said that i usually would!

rolling hills, snowdonia, rugby, choirs, great people! but after today and the n...
jules56 profile image

First day of non smoking after umpteen half hearted attempts. New member wanting to check in and say hi!!

HI all, I'm new to the forum and recently diagnosed with moderate COPD. Lung a...
Tezhar profile image

Day 2 here and not feeling great!

Yes, I've reached day 2 (having smoked previously and heavily for 30 years). Ve...
JPBBirmingham profile image

Woo Hoo 1 Year Smoke-free

Hello all Well just done my first year. Has it been easy..... Not on your Nelly!...
bunnyrabbit profile image