Hi everyone im 24hrs smoke free on champix de... - Quit Support
Hi everyone im 24hrs smoke free on champix determined to succeed this time! Getting bad headaches does anyone know if this is a withdrawal?

Aup Kaz, a lovely warm welcome to this lovely quit site gal, and a big well done to you for making the decision to quit
May I ask how long you have been taking champix for ? cos I've took champix and I can remember having heartburn and some headaches in the first couple of weeks then my body seemed to get used to it and that stopped
just made me very tired after that
I used to have a rite job getting up for work
Erm, are you eating something when you take the tablets ? cos that helps
Hope to speak soon, Pete
Hi Pete thankyou for the lovely welcome & advice hope you are well i am 6 days smoke free today apart from feeling tired i think ive got used to the champix i do make sure i eat so that i dont feel sick im over the moon ive got this far
im hoping it will get easier ive been having a lot of cravings i just keep reminding myself of why i want to stop.Congratulations to you for giving up & i hope you have a lovely day

Hi Kazmoore,
welcome to Quit Support
How are you feeling now? Head aches can be a sign of withdrawal, Pete's advice is great. Also, make sure you are drinking plenty of water too.
Let us know how you are doing won't you?

Hi Kaz
I gave up on champix a couple of years ago, and yes i got headaches, and was so lethargic and a little down to be honest, but i think it will pass, How are the headaches now? x
Hi Pinkiezoom congratulations for giving up i found that i felt down the first wk but thats passed very tired & the odd headache i think im getting used to them now im 6 days smoke free now so its all worth it!
cravings have been horrendous but ive coped wwith them, hope you are well & have a lovely day

I managed to stop smoking 2 years ago, for three months..cold turkey,
Had headaches everyday for the first 2 weeks...
But they passed...it was definitely withdrawal for me...
Hang in there...
You are doing better than me....
I don't even know what champix is ?
Learning a lot here on 'Quit Support'
Hi TerryOR, thankyou for your msg! Champix are antideppresant type tablets which act on the reward centre of the brain,they help reduce cravings aswell as stopping you from getting any pleasure from cigs.I had tried everything else & failed but this medication has helped me il be 7wks smoke free on Saturday keep trying Terry you have done it before so you can do it again! Good luck!

Well done Kazmore your doing great, I was seven weeks yesterday but I'm using e cig so you've done amazing not using nicotine. Well done to you
Thanks fresher i have to admit though i baught an ecig last week because i was struggling, so thought it was the lesser of two evils! I plan to keep my nicotine intake as low as possible & hopefully cut the ecig out soon as i can

I'm using e cig too, could never have done it without it