Posts - Fibromyalgia Action UK | HealthUnlocked

Fibromyalgia Action UK

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All posts for February 2013

bad sleep causes health problems
hamble99b profile image

Just thought i would post a MASSIVE HUMONGOLUS THANK YOU ...............X

ok so i put on a blog early hours this morning as i felt so unwell and was havin...
fairycazzie profile image

A Good diet? I'll tell you what a good diet is Grrrr

It's called I've applied for DLA and can't afford to eat because they keep refu...
Amanda profile image
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should we look a mess ?

Hi all just been reading though all my paper work re. esa reports etc and it see...
jane59 profile image


my cough is getting worse although it is only when I lie down at night.i try to ...
anbuma profile image

the doctor has signed me off work on monday for the indefinete period

not sure what i do now,i have given a copy to my imployer and he sas he does'nt ...
nessa29 profile image

Walking Stick/elbow crutches

Hi everyone, I currently use a walking stick to get around the house and to and...
babebatista profile image

shingles vaccine

ive decided to write this as lots of folks on here seem to get shingles occasion...
peely profile image

Disability Living Allowance

Well I hadn't heard after the medical a few weeks ago so I rang them up.They sai...
Amanda profile image

just had my medical assessment

DISGUSTING!!!!!!!!! i have never been made to feel so low in all my life, not re...
louda profile image

Should I retract my DLA Appeal

I have recently been awarded low rate mobility by the DLA. They literally made t...
gardaqueen profile image


For the last week or so, I have been having horrible pains in my neck and should...
Hidden profile image

A most successful diet!

Oh dearie, dearie me! I knew we should have encouraged VG to eat more fish-foo...
ladymoth profile image

Oh's going to be a long cold night

Oh dear, not looking forward to the next 24 hrs. Today was supposed to be the d...

The Rheumatologyst I saw today was a pig!!

After all I went through last week I really did not need to see a shovanistic Pi...

What has happened to the emails that tell you that people have posted ?

This week I have not had any posts logged tog in an email,maybe my settings are ...
rainbowdancer profile image

Food Fads

Am i alone in going through phases of only eating certain things? At the moment ...
charlii profile image

Back to the future .... 1980s style what do you remember???

Well having real life I rushed down the corridor to the forum ...late... I flung...
Hidden profile image


hi,just a quick update.i rang DWP on monday as i had sent a lot of information r...
pondminstrel profile image

Bah! Housework!

Am feeling very sore today as yesterday i had the mammoth task of cleaning out m...
charlii profile image

Just wanted

To say morning to everyone. Today is not a good day but I'm trying to stay posit...
SuzyB profile image

help with weight loss

I need to lose half a stone as soon as i can so i can wear my clothes comfortabl...
bbstport profile image

Brilliant idea!!!

Morning all :-) Was on a FB fibro group that I sometimes read and somebody ca...
mel-maelo profile image

Rudely awoken at 3am with chest and back pain & my jaw wow Huh

How can something like that wake up thats so rude but scarey i just laid with ey...
fairycazzie profile image

I'm having a very bad time with my right arm, it's causing a lot of pain it's absolutely agony one min and not to bad the next

I don't know if it's fm or something else like's got worse over m...


Let me say first that i am not in any clique,nor am i biased in any way but i wi...
charlii profile image

didnt think i could have worse pain than fibro

i got shingles 4 weeks ago the horrid rash has gone but the pain is getting wors...
linlit profile image


The msg's i have recieved today has just confirmed I have made the right decitio...
Hidden profile image


the dr will not give me a wheelchair do you think i should just buy my own? they...
sexysooz7685 profile image

well i even feel my witty me has slowly diminished and transformed into some gormlus Alien. Where has yours gone?? becareful now hehe

I always used to jump around even wear my hubbys pants on my head and chase the ...
fairycazzie profile image