Oh dearie, dearie me! I knew we should have encouraged VG to eat more fish-food!
A most successful diet!: Oh dearie... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
A most successful diet!

i suspect a ruse here - VG is trying to convince us she's stuck to her diet, and has sent you a copy of her latest x-ray to miselad you
Sulks big time ...... Does nothing escape you Kaz.... Foiled again..... Looks smug ,,, just finished my banana and muller rice apple strudel flavour for lunch.... I am being good .. The steroids stop next week so I will be HOPEFULLY moving on down the scales again
Goes off to plan with moffy another scam to make Kaz think I am being thin.... Moffy can you photoshop my head onto any A list celebrity ... Umm as long as its a female ... Oh gosh I shouldn't have put that idea into her head .... Moffy get my head off Hurley from the Lost series body
Oh, you've found her out! She's round the back scoffing a bacon sarnie!
Hurley? Is he that big fat hairy guy? You're lucky I don't use photo-shop! (Totters off cackling madly)
Hahahaha............ Here is my X-ray , that's what comes of being so foggy. (Totters off giggling childishly)
Tried to draw a blank bit but didn't work, unsurprisingly for an idiot foggy !!
Looks at a black photo, turns it round,,, aha you forgot to take your pearls off...either that or you have gallstones ....
Giggles evilly
OMG that explains a lot ( calls for an hambulance pronto )
To remove your pearls... I,ll come round and undo them..... Ohhh you mean you have gallstones.... Phones an ambulance and pockets the pearls... Are they real.... I,ll just look after them for you.
Hey come back right now you......fishier of things fishy.........those were my Mummy's pearls and no one gets away with half inching them ...... Brings out a wet haddock fillet , bops VG round the head with it and grabs back the pearls...........you can wear my gallstones if and when I have them......willingly. hahahahaha
Thank you I had mine removed 7 years ago would be nice to see someone else's, though I must say I don't miss mine ... A wet haddock fillet!!!!! Unhand my OH immediately