Posts - Fibromyalgia Action UK | HealthUnlocked

Fibromyalgia Action UK

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All posts for May 2012


Feel like i have been dragged with no clothes on through a bed of nettles ouch x...
rosehip profile image

Why do I keep on getting Pleurisy?

I have had pleurisy again, but, it ended up as pneumonia. My fault as I did not ...
Sue15197 profile image

Random pains

Do people have pains that appear from nowhere. I had waterworks problems for a...
GillV profile image
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Quiet day..

Have spent the day quietly and am glad my face is going down again, still tingli...
poppy-03 profile image

New GP

I've just today registered with a new GP after moving back to London, I have an ...
umbrehla profile image

Restless legs GGGRRRR!!

Restless legs tonight, with shooting pain down my legs....even my knees ache!! ...
Hidden profile image

So tired, so much pain....

I went to see my GP last week as I've not sleeping, which makes the pain worse, ...
anjie profile image

i really dont know if i can be bothered

i applied for dla last year ,after what seemed like months of them saying they w...
lynz profile image

Got the munchies!

I got the munchies tonight, craving really bad for chocolate so glad I had some ...
Ang01 profile image

Anyone have TMJ/sinus problems please? Pain in head. Neck and back of head. Confused as to what it is. Meds don't help. TY

Hidden profile image

muzzy head and very tired.

feel dreadfull so tired zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
rosehip profile image

bus pass

how do we get free bus passes , do we have to be on dla xxx
rosehip profile image

Sooo glad went to the GP today

As i mentioned a while ago, i waited over two weeks to get a list of my ailments...
sharonissexy profile image

Letting off steam

Today, for the third time, I had to telephone the Department who deals with Pens...
Barbykins profile image

Anyone managed to get a blue badge for the car please?

Hidden profile image

tens machine is on

been suffering a lot of back pain this last few days its reached fever pitch so ...
demelza profile image


I went this morning to the tribunal at our local courts, it was quite intimidati...
Sharon_J profile image

Anyone else have migraines they never had before fibro please?

Hidden profile image

What a lovely day!

Hi All, Had a lovely day today. Mum paid for a back and neck massage, which was...
Kerry29 profile image

20 days post op and fed up:-)

Hi all well 20 days post op and going stir crazy legs still swelling bad only re...
sue247 profile image

would like to know if i can claim anything

cubby profile image

no energy

I have had it now I have no energy at all can just about get my daugher to schoo...
kavqc profile image

Depressed & Frustrated

Hi everyone, this is my first post on the site. I have been diagnosed with CFS,...
Hidden profile image

THE PRINCESS IN THE STORY..".the princess and the pea."..she must of had fibromyalgia..right ?

i cant find comfort...on anything i know its fibro but does anyone know if a wat...
Hidden profile image

esa medical

well wot a farce!22 minutes coming in assess me&out the door!i was asked questio...
lollypop profile image

not a good day

Realy strugling today no energy fell realy yuk so tired fed up i hate being like...
helensib profile image

1st flare up!!

had a horrible weekend.... couldnt even put the toothpaste on my brush!!!! my so...
maddonna profile image

Does anyone else get "anxious" side effect from co-codamol?

If I take more than 2 doses for more than two days one of the more unpleasant si...
theshadow profile image

Just call Me Snap Crackle and Pop!!

This is what my body sounds like most of the time but for some reason Ironing cl...
Flips profile image

had a lovely weekend

hubby took me away for the weekend which was nice...been spoilt rotten this week...
bean profile image