Anyone else have migraines they never... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Anyone else have migraines they never had before fibro please?

8 Replies
8 Replies
jayjay profile image

Hi Merrill, yes i have really bad migraines since i have had FM and sometimes they last for days, only thing i can do is take more tablets and go to bed in a dark room, i never ever suffered with them before the FM

it's sad there is so many other things we get with Fibro

Gentle hugs xxx

rosehip profile image

i get visual migraines alot more , i used to get them about twice a year now i get about two a week . NASTY xx

FionaP profile image

Hi Merrill. sadly yes. I now get migraines every month and sometimes every day of the month. These last 2 months have seen them worse than ever with a whole range of different ones :( xx

Thank you. I got migraines with peri menopause. Fibro came abt same time. I was told after menopause they would go. No way they are worse.

No genetic link to migraine. No triggers. (have IBS too).

Anyone else feel they are a fibro symptom? I live on triptans. They are my worst problem. Almost daily now. Xx

LindseyMid profile image

They can be a Fibro symptom, as the autonomic nervous system and central sensitisation are implicated with both. But they can also be the result of myofascial trigger points. People with Fibro almost always have myofascial pain, but (like IBS or migraine) although it could be considered a symptom of Fibro, it is a condition in its own right that requires different treatment.

I think migraine is a symptom. It cannot be traced to a cause. There is no dedicated medication apart from triptans. The breadth off"triggers" is so vast as to be implausible. The only common factor seems to be pain. And not everybody has that. Many fibro people seem to have migraine. Many ibs people too. Many migraine people have gut problems and fibro symptoms. All a bit of a strong coincidence to me.

floradora profile image

I have frequent migraines since suffering with fibro for last 4-5 yrs. They have lasted for up to 4 days. Got almotriptan tablets for onset. Have developed a zero alcohol tolerance. Half glass of wine can cause a whopping migraine. Also have TMJ disorder (jaw and facial pain which lots of fibro sufferers have. Lack of sleep can cause migraine attacks. I think it is one of the worst parts of having fibro. Try to see there are triggers which bring on attacks. I also have IBS and gluten intolerance. Your whole system is a mess.

dont forget to check out with the doctor . after all your pain in bad enough so a migrain can tip over the edge .. I have IBS and had migrain as never before see if you can find a link between food or stress before hand xx gentle dyslexic hugs

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