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Endometriosis UK

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All posts for October 2015

Endometrosis and depression

I have been diagnosed with endometrosis since last august. Since then I have had...

Endometriosis pain

Hi guys I am a 39yr old mother of three beautiful children. I discovered pain in...
Broderskim39 profile image


Hi,whoever is reading this...i am a 43 year old mother of 2 beautiful sons...6 y...
mamamia1 profile image
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Hi. Can someone please help me. I was diagnosed before Christmas last year that ...

Hip pain

Since I was on provera some of my symptoms eased but as I have been took off the...
Cbs2015 profile image

Bleeding After Childbirth

Hi, I have stage 4 and am due my first baby in 3 weeks after a successful IVF. I...
debs1082 profile image

Black and brown bleeding

The things we talk about but I need to know if it's normal. I'm waiting on a lab...
rebecca86 profile image


Hey, does anyone have any handy hints for how to manage the headaches? I'm work...
Phoebe-sb profile image

Moon cups

Has anyone tried using a moon cup inst ad of tampons/sanitary towels? What are t...
bexter73 profile image


I am going in for a full hysterectomy this Friday including tubes and overies. I...
Jobuttery profile image

Endo diet help

I would like to try the endo diet but due to the endo I'm on benefits so it's t...
Bethleah profile image

Advice needed

In agony and it's getting worse :( was prescribed tramadol and its doing nothing...
kayjayne profile image

Pain before, during & after period??

I have had horrible periods since I started them 10 years ago..I'm now 21, they ...
aimz94 profile image


I have had such bad pains for the last 2 weeks I was due on yesterday but no sig...

After the coils removed...

hello ladies, for anyone out there that had the coil removed can you tell me wha...
gemp54 profile image

Driving myself crazy! Endo & Pregnancy

Hi I was diagnosed early august with Stage 4 endo all over womb, ovaries and bow...
clemwales profile image

after larascop op. how long before im up and about?

will I be up walking and able to do small tasks within ten days???? Really stre...
Booboo08 profile image


I have requested Cerazete from the doctor to try for suspected endo symptoms can...
linzi090 profile image

Cost of private treatment

Has anyone had a lap and endoscopy at a private hospital which you've paid for? ...
scribble1603 profile image

Confused about my op

Hi ment to have a lap and laser or hysterectomy but got cancelled they phoned m...

Feeling a tad annoyed post op

Had my lap yesterday discovering endo on ligament and pouch of douglas...he said...
2603 profile image

Abnormal bleeding and back pain

Can someone give me some reason as I might be having period type bleeds and back...
Terina92 profile image

Update to previous post..diagnosed with endomitriosis

So today I had a drs appointment told him my symptoms and he said it sounded lik...
Mich_30 profile image

Abnormal bleeding

Hi my name is LaToya I'm 25 & I've been having sevare abnormal bleeding. I had a...
Latoya_25 profile image

To meny surgery

I went to see my consultant to day and he told me I have had to meany surgerys ....
May6 profile image

Blood tests

I've just rang docs for test results to see if I'm anaemic. My bloods came back ...
Shandy31 profile image

Post lap - can't pass urine!

Hi ladies, Some background first. On Monday, I had my lap in which "severe" en...
Laura_CW profile image


Hi ladies, this morning I had my long awaited Lap. I had been counting down the...
EbonyP profile image

Can't go

Hi. On Tuesday this week, I had a laprascopy. I'm in alot of pain coz can't go ...

Bloated, flatulence constipation

Me again folks, I am currently laying in bed with a hot water bottle my back is ...
lisatf2004 profile image