Hysterectomy: I am going in for a full... - Endometriosis UK

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Jobuttery profile image
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I am going in for a full hysterectomy this Friday including tubes and overies. I am feeling about nervous about it all any tips or advice would be great xx

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Jobuttery profile image
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43 Replies
cassimia73 profile image

Hello I'm going in Tuesday for the same thing. Nice to know im not the only one having it done. Good luck with it all :) x

skt68 profile image
skt68β€’ in reply tocassimia73

Good Luck Hun πŸ€ keep us posted. Xx

Jobuttery profile image
Jobutteryβ€’ in reply tocassimia73

Hi I hope it all went well for you xx

picklestar profile image

Hi I had hysterectomy a year ago but they left my tubes in . All I can say is get plenty of rest don't over do it . Buy bigger pjs and pants lol. mine were tight on me . I had a book from the hospital which I had to fill in every day and it said what things I could do .

And don't let your mother and outlaw move in to he'll look after you lol .

Hope all goes well best thing I had done . No pain no heavy bleeding just funenjoying and playing with my 4 year old .


Jobuttery profile image
Jobutteryβ€’ in reply topicklestar

Hi when you say bigger pants do you mean bigger than my normal size or big as in Bridget Jones xx

picklestar profile image
picklestarβ€’ in reply toJobuttery

Bigger pants I mean size and Bridget Jones found normal ones went to close to scar xx

Jobuttery profile image
Jobutteryβ€’ in reply topicklestar

Thanks Hun I got some they are awful πŸ˜‚ Any tips on sleeping I think I will really struggle as I normally sleep on my belly xx

picklestar profile image
picklestarβ€’ in reply toJobuttery

Hi I sleep on my side only way I could do it was to prop my tummy up with a pillow . Or sleep on my back found it really hard to move or roll over .

Found I was really constipated sorry . Ask them for something before leaving hospital I also got drink and food in to help .


SONYA72 profile image

I had mine done on Wednesday...still very sore & bloated. Take nightshirts rather than pyjamas, I am up 3 dress sizes. I hurt to walk & cough, but no issues otherwise.

Hospital tried to discharge me the following day, but I kept going dizzy so they let me stay till Friday. Take naps often if you are able, no point pushing yourself if you are able to let others help. Food is a bit hit & miss, don't really feel like eating but need to to get things moving again, I found little & often best.

Depending on what they actually find will affect how you feel, only you know your body, so just take it one day at a time. I napped 3 times yesterday and was still in bed by 9 pm!

Any more questions just ask


blanes01 profile image

I am 3 months post op now and feel great.i think you just haveto listen to your body as it is major surgery.

You will feel sore and you will feel tired and I aslo felt terribly dizzy (even when laying down) but each day you will improve but you really do need someone to look after you.

Take care xx

Live_Life2dMax profile image

i had full hystorectomy 3 months ago through key hole surgery at 29yrs old. was feeling fab after 4 weeks. its so nice to no longer feel that endless daily pain. just remember to rest, no heavy lifting and keep your pain meds topped up for the first few weeks. let your family and friends pamper you. its quiet an emotional journey so dont worry if your a bit teary, its all normal. good luck and i wish you a speedy recovery xx

Jobuttery profile image

Aww thank you everybody for your kind words and advice I will definitely do as I am told x

dk1136 profile image

Hi I'm going in on Monday for the same thing now it's getting nearer I'm getting nervous aswell. Good luck x

skt68 profile image
skt68β€’ in reply todk1136

Good Luck Hun πŸ€ Keep us posted xxxx

Jobuttery profile image
Jobutteryβ€’ in reply todk1136

How did your op go Hun xx

esbjorn profile image


Wishing you all the best. I got a lot of helpful advice from the wonderful Hysterectomy Association (free booklet online, daily e-mails for the first two weeks and tips of which books could be helpful) see hysterectomy-association.or...

However well you feel - don't overdo it!! Take it at a snail's pace and enjoy reading/drawing/watching tele/boxset or whatever you enjoy that doesn't involve ANY lifting..

If you get the opportunity to get a physio to teach you how to get in and out of bed whilst you are still in hospital - great, otherwise there are some instructions online (North Devon NHS have published theirs online and there are some online videos as well).

A set of ready meals in the freezer helps as well. I didn't make enough and had to eat a lot of tinned sardines and boiled eggs ;-)

Take care xx

skt68 profile image

Hi to you lovely ladies. I have only just joined this site as I need some advice, info and support. I have been told by my consultant that sadly I need to have a full hysterectomy. My concern mostly is the removal of both ovaries. These have to be removed due to them being so damaged due to severe endometriosis. At the time of operation I will be 48. I would be very appreciative for some help from anyone who has had both ovaries removed. How are you? What have you done to help with your menopause symptoms. Are you taking anything? If you are natural of HRT. I'm very very scared and it has come as a bit of a shock. I would love to hear from you. πŸ˜€ Sarah-Kate xxx

Cazza25 profile image
Cazza25β€’ in reply toskt68

Hi Sarah-Kate,

I had a hysterectomy in 2011 and kept my ovaries. Last Christmas, at age 48, I had my ovaries removed as a chocolate cyst had burst causing severe endo and a pelvic mass. So I have nothing left! My consultant wanted me to start HRT (Oestrogen only) straight away but I researched Endo and found help on this site. You don't say whether you have endo or not in your post but I am guessing that you do as you're on this site!

Lindle is very knowledgeable and gave me advice that any oestrogen in your system can cause endo to regrow if the tiniest amount has been missed. I have not taken anything for the symptoms of menopause and it seems to be quite mild.

I often wake up in the night feeling very hot and have hot flushes throughout the day but they could be worse! Depending on what you are doing at the time just take a breath and relax and they soon pass.

I am considering having a bone density test done because I am concerned about osteoporosis when I am older. There are a few natural supplements that contain Sage, Black Cohosh etc but they behave like oestrogen and can affect the growth of endo.

Ofcourse, if you don't have endo take the advice of the professionals and read up about natural remedies for the menopause.

I wish you all the best for your op and recovery. Sit still and let others run around for you! Seriously, you must rest! Good luck :-)

skt68 profile image
skt68β€’ in reply toCazza25

Hi Cazza πŸ˜€ thankyou so so much for your reply. Sadly I do have severe endo and like you have had problems also with my choccie cysts bursting I have 3 of them. I also have suspected Adeno, like you I will having everything removed, did you have your cervix removed as well? What was the determining factor for you to have the hyster? Did you have the rest of your endo excised at same time as hyster? Do you regret it is was it the best decision you made? Hun did your consultant work well with you what sort of things did he do after you had it done? Have you done anything to help after, like pelvic floor exercises, pelvic massage to break down the adhesions etc. Someone suggested that I see an endocrinologist because they deal with menopause and hormone imbalances. Like you at the time of the op I will be nearly 48. I am like you with the herbal side of it, I want to take herbal remedies but like you say it's the estrogen aspect of it. Is this the only site you use regarding the hyster side of things? I have also posted on hyster sisters but had no responses at all sadly 😣 were you petrified? How long were you in hospital for? What type of hyster did you have? I have been corresponding loads with Lindle, she is amazing and a complete God send, she knows all my history, she has been very honest and frank with me and has says Sarah-Kate everything is diseased it does need to come out, she sent me loads of information on stuff. Do you belong on any other sites like Endometrpolis? Where do you live? I live between Nottingham and Lincoln? Are you also under the care of a BSGE specialist? Cazza can I again say thankyou so much and I'm sorry for all the questions, it feels like an interrogation 😡 Hope we can stay in contact πŸ˜€ lovely to hear from you 😘 Sarah-Kate xx

Cazza25 profile image

Hi Sarah-Kate,

I had my hysterectomy in 2011 because for 6 months or so I had been constantly bleeding, with a few days off every month. I had also been using the Mirena coil for the previous 15 years with no problems but found that I had several large fibroids in my uterus that were pushing the coil into it and causing the severe bleeding. I was almost anaemic too. I had a keyhole op to remove the uterus and coil, leaving the ovaries and tubes and cervix. Up until last xmas I was totally unaware that I had any endo problems. All last year I was treated for IBS but I knew that wasn't it.

It makes me mad that as a woman of a certain age Endo was not considered! I even had a partial colonoscopy that was excrutiating because my bowel was being pulled in all directions by adhesions! BP was 196/103 during it!!!

6 months after the hysterectomy (FEB 2012) I was diagnosed with a small hernia at the site of the incision but my GP said he would review it at Easter. To cut a long story short my hernia ruptured and I was blue lighted to hospital, having more surgery to repair that.(2012) I know they were not looking for endo but if it had been present they would probably have done something about it at the same time.

All last year I was in pain. Every time I went to the gym I would be in agony the day after. October last year I did some heavy lifting, safely, but was in agony the day after. I went to A & E and after a 4 hour wait was told it was not an A & E issue and that I should see my GP. My white cell count was raised so they gave me anti b's. I couldn't cope with the pain nor wait for an NHS appt for a scan so paid handsomely for 2 private scans. One was external abdomen, one was pelvic ultrasound. The radiologist was great. She found the problem but basically told me that I was in a terrible mess and to contact my GP as soon as I got home. They thought I had cancer as there was a huge tumour on the stump of my cervix, with adhesions sticking everything together. 4weeks later I had the op with the NHS oncology gynae surgeon. He also took my appendix.

Until I joined this site I had never read about endo or specialist hospitals and I haven't looked at any other sites.

I wasn't frightened about the op, but I was concerned about the possible cancer! The staff were fab and I was painfree as soon as I came round from the anaesthetic, but remember, this was the local hospital not a specialist BSGE centre. the treatment you will get will be even better!

I was home 3 days later as they kept me in because my BP was an issue. The only thing my consultant said was that I should go on oestrogen only HRT. I wasn't offered any other advice or treatment. Since then the nurse at my GP practice said I should have follow up and medication but my consultant was not an endo specialist...... I am going to look for the nearest BSGE centre today as I have had some reoccurring symptoms just lately. I live in Cornwall. Beautiful, but far from the centres of excellence I fear!

Sorry this is so long-winded but most of these problems are! I hope it helps! Cazza ; )

skt68 profile image
skt68β€’ in reply toCazza25

Wow Cazza, you have been through a lot bless you and thankyou for sharing. I hope you get to the route of your pain hun. Take Care and keep in touch Sarah xx

Smoff profile image

Just made the decision today at my gynae appointment!!

Have suffered with heavy and painful periods for over 3 years. All other options have been exhausted. Mixed feelings really but it is so good to read all your experiences.

I am 48 and have 3 grown up children so it isn't about that. I don't know if it sounds daft but I am worried about not feeling like a woman afterwards!!

My op will be booked in for around February so gynae has started me on prostap and livial today.

I am so glad I found this forum and it's good to know that there are others going through the same thing. Feel a bit more optimistic reading some of your experiences. Anything has got to be better that this awful constant pain xx

Jobuttery profile image
Jobutteryβ€’ in reply toSmoff

I have been on prostap since April it has been amazing for me no symptoms and it has been lovely having my life back xx

Broderskim39 profile image
Broderskim39β€’ in reply toJobuttery

I am on my second injection now and definitely agree.. how are.you now x

Broderskim39 profile image
Broderskim39β€’ in reply toSmoff

Hi there have u had your op yet... I am on my second injection of prostate now have another four to go then if all goes to plan and I've been ok on them it's a full hysterectomy for me in sept... I have stage 4 endo and I am matted around my bowels and ovaries. In alot of pain right up to my first injection feels like it's controlled now sad thing is my gp won't give me it so have to travEl 40 miles to get the injection. All to do with different boroughs and funding. ive had one fallopian tube removed and they drained the cysts on my ovaries but wasn't enough... endo is a weed! let me know.how u get on with everything hun x

Hendrix profile image

Hi I had a full hysterectomy and an ovary removed , two weeks yesterday . This was first operation and I was nervous . It went really well I had my operation on the Monday 12 October and I was home on the Wednesday . I recovered really well I even washed and dressed myself the next day . Everybody is different and I am going by how I feel . I am 39 I had fibroids one was big as a grapefruit and they also found I had endometriosis and it was around one ovary . I don't feel like I have had an operation but I know I have to take it easy . I wish you all the best just stay positive xx

Jobuttery profile image
Jobutteryβ€’ in reply toHendrix

Did you have it laparoscopy or abdominal xx

Broderskim39 profile image
Broderskim39β€’ in reply toHendrix

How are you now Huni x

Hendrix profile image

I had abdominal cut , just like a cesarean . I had staples and not stiches . Xx

Jobuttery profile image
Jobutteryβ€’ in reply toHendrix

You did well then to get out in two days that's what I am hoping for as they planning to do it by laparoscopy but I am not sure if they discharge on a weekend :/xx

Hendrix profile image

What day are you having your operation ? I am not sure about weekends and how it works . I have to be honest they were surprised at the hospital how well I am was doing so quickly . I was not in much pain I had a general anaesthetic and an epidural . After operation I had paracetamol and dicloflenac . Try and not have cocodamol as it can constipate you . Xx

Jobuttery profile image
Jobutteryβ€’ in reply toHendrix

I am having mine Friday I can't have co codamol as I am allergic to it I am worried about the after with the pain ect and the trapped wind x

skt68 profile image
skt68β€’ in reply toJobuttery

Good Luck Jo Hunny for tomorrow, will be thinking of you :)

Jobuttery profile image
Jobutteryβ€’ in reply toskt68

Thanks Hun it's Friday I go in xx

skt68 profile image
skt68β€’ in reply toJobuttery

Oh sorry I thought it was tomorrow 😝 I'll wish you luck again next Thursday ready for Friday πŸ˜‰ xx

Jobuttery profile image
Jobutteryβ€’ in reply toskt68

No worries Hun it's this Friday xx

skt68 profile image
skt68β€’ in reply toJobuttery

Oh I'm such a plonker 😁 I thought it was Thursday πŸ˜„ its only Wednesday. It's the pain meds screwing with my head lol sorry Jo xx

Jobuttery profile image
Jobutteryβ€’ in reply toskt68

Haha no worries I just want it over and done with now x

Hendrix profile image

The pain was not to bad at all , I had a lot of wind . The nurses have me peppermint oil with hot water that helped . Also take peppermint tea bags with you and to be honest just let the wind out . I hated doing and I kept saying sorry to the lady next to me but she was the same . They will give you exercises to help with wind but you have to do those once your catheter is out . (If you have one ) I did . Because I had an epidural I think that helped with my pain as it kept my stomach numb for a while . But they will go through with you what they think is best for you . You will be fine just keep been open minded and just take it as it comes . Xx

skt68 profile image

Hi Ladies, when you all had your hysters and ovary removal did they give you any HRT meds straight away? did any of you have menopausal symptoms as soon as you came round? Did anyone have their Uterus out as well? Was anything suggested about your organs that removed ie cervix and uterus to stop your bowel/Bladder from going down like prolapses? did your hospital arrange pelvic floor exercises or physio? where you able to go to toilet on your own?

sarahgregory profile image


Just been reading all your posts as you sound as if you going through same as me. I am about to have my secondly monthly Prostap injection as docs not sure but I might have endo so seeing if this works. If it does then they want to do full hysterectomy on me. I am also 43.

How did your hysterectomy go and how are you feeling now?

Hope you feeling better X

Hendrix profile image

Hi I had my hysterectomy in October i went back to work end of November properly . I worked from home after 3 weeks but only did a couple of clients a day ( I am a mobile hairdresser ) . My clients came to my house and I bought a stool to sit on when working . My operation went well the fibroids removed and I has endometriosis on one ovary which was removed . Since operation I have moved house and went skiing !! I am must be mad I do get tired a lot not on hrt as still have one ovary so just seeing how I go really . I get a little discomfort now and then but nothing to bad . My stomach was really bloated took a long time for that to improve . I would say now I can see my stomach has improved . The doctors not sure if my endometriosis is in bowel area . They won't do anything for a year so my body settles down . I still get constipated and back on my ibs tablets which helps . How are you getting on ? Xx

Nellie123 profile image

Hi, I,am waiting to go in to have the same op please let me know how your recovery goes . Thank you x

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