I have been diagnosed with endometrosis since last august. Since then I have had 2 major surgerys to remove as much endo as possible and unstick pelvic organs that have fussed together. I am now on hormone treatment and nothing is happening. There should be more help available for endometrosis. For myself there is not one aspect of my life this disease hasn't stolen. I have been left infertile, lost a long term relationship, lost my career due to absence and my social life is non existant. I feel so isolated and lost, I don't feel as tho I am the same person and I don't think my life will ever be the same again. Coping everyday with chronic pain, bowel problems, anxiety, stress, the list goes on. Keep fighting endo warriors and raise as much awareness as we can xxx
Endometrosis and depression: I have been... - Endometriosis UK
Endometrosis and depression
Hey Lauren, so sorry you're feeling so down, completely get how devastating/isolating it can be. Have you had any counselling to help you through this?
I go to a support group that helps me, there should be one near you
Also I've found alternative therapies I.e. Diet change, acupuncture, yoga to be really helpful (see endo resolved website for more Info) x
I agree, dietary and lifestyle changes are important. Other good websites are
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Really sorry to hear this. I have been told hormone treatment is pointless. Happy to connect if u need someone to talk to.
Could I ask how long did it take to recover once u has the endo removed to unstick organs. I'm going in on wed x
Hi Lauren,
Was your surgery with a general gynaecologist or and accredited endo specialist? Check here and let us know bsge.org.uk/ec-BSGE-accredi... There's a strong possibility that your surgery was done by someone without the specialist skills required to remove endo. I'm assuming from your name that you are in Glasgow. Currently there are no specialists in Glasgow but there is a centre in Edinburgh.
It's worth tracking down another surgeon. See Lindle's post on how to do this healthunlocked.com/endometr......
One aspect of endometriosis awareness is the fact that many GPs and even gynaecologists are not aware of the existence of endometriosis specialists and that women in your predicament need to be referred to one. Good luck. x
Hi Lauren. I'm so sorry that you're feeling this horrible and really understand. I just posted on another thread about acupuncture for endometriosis and the absolute wonders it's worked on me in just 2 months' time. It's definitely not the "cheap" option but it has been so incredibly effective that I'm virtually pain free all the time now. (Still a bit of cramping day 1 and 2 of my period, but aside from that all my symptoms have subsided!!!) For the first time in about 4 years i feel "normal" again. I'm happy to discuss more if you want to message me... but wanted to encourage you to do a bit if research on it to see if it might be an option. I am thankful that I decided to try this before going on any kind of hormone therapy. I really, really wanted to avoid that and avoid any potential side effects.