Olive Oil — not Popeye's 'Olive Oyl' - Cure Arthritis Co...

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Olive Oil — not Popeye's 'Olive Oyl'

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7 Replies


Olive Oil — not Popeye's 'Olive Oyl'

No, not Popeye's 'Olive Oyl' ( en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oli... ), the other one — oil pressed from olives ( en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oli... ). 😁


This is from Our Beloved AndySwarbs, a Hero's Journey post ( healthunlocked.com/nras/pos... ) over at NRAS forum, but may interest folks here? 🤔


Hope you don't mind my cutting & pasting the 'oil-related' segments below:



Oh, Hessie5, yes, . . . 👍

No worries . . .

I, too, once loved my olive oil — the more 'virginal' the better . . . 😂

Oh well, I guess the illusion of it all fell away — as the benefits it was supposed to impart was 'not to be' — at least for me. 😳 🙃

If this helps at all, if you're not aware of it already, there are ways to cook without oil. [I've been learning ever since parting with the "beloved greasy spoon". 😁 😉 ]

For example, we learned to stir fry with either broth 🍵 or just plain water 💧💦 . (And, surprisingly, no dryness or lack of flavour. 😳 👍 )



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8️⃣ Dean Ornish, Neal Barnard, T. Colin Campbell, Caldwell Esselstyn, John McDougall, Michael Klaper, Michael Greger: healthunlocked.com/nras/pos...

7️⃣ "Poofed" Info, References, Links, Your Replies, etc. (at ALL 'Kai-- Posts'): healthunlocked.com/nras/pos...

6️⃣ FREE Whole Foods Plant-Based Diet/ Lifestyle (WFP-BD/L) Info for Interested Autoimmuners/ RAers: healthunlocked.com/nras/pos...

5️⃣ Vogons, Vulcans, Vegans: healthunlocked.com/nras/pos...

4️⃣ Microbiome, Pooing, Toilet Humour: healthunlocked.com/nras/pos...

3️⃣ For All Autoimmuner's: FREE 7-Part Documentary with Tom O'Bryan: healthunlocked.com/nras/pos...

2️⃣ FREE 3-Part 'Serology (RF, ACPA, Anti-CCP, ANAs, ANCA) in Rheumatology' Series from Dr. Robert Coughlan's 'Rheumatology Toolbox': healthunlocked.com/nras/pos...

1️⃣ "Live Your Life. . . ": healthunlocked.com/nras/pos....

Kai-- Profile: healthunlocked.com/user/kai... [Click on blue "Read more" text (at top of page) to read full profile.]


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Dr. Michael Klaper talks about stir frying with seasoned vegetable broth at minute 8:20:

Olive Oil Is Not Healthy - Michael Klaper MD :


( doctorklaper.com/videos/oli... )



And, if you're interested in salad dressing (without oil), making it with blenderised veg, fruits, avocado, nuts, etc. is a tasty option.

Yumm . . . 😋


Kai-- profile image

This brief Steam Saute and Cooking Without Oil video gives a quick demo on how to use water in place of oil:





Merely supplemental info:

The young lady's reference to Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn's work, may be of interest for those of us dealing with heart/ cardiovascular 💔 issues as well.

Here's reinforcing concepts — straight from Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn himself — as to why some of us (already plagued with illness 😳 🙃 ) may wish to be 'aware of' where oils are concerned:


No Oil -- Not Even Olive Oil! - Caldwell Esselstyn MD:




Kai-- profile image

If you're familiar with Dr. John McDougall, he has a few tips on Cooking Without Oil (touching on: browning veg & baking & sautéing without oil): drmcdougall.com/misc/2007nl... 👍

Merely trying each method a time or 2, it becomes 2nd nature — without a thought. Very easy & very tasty. 😋



And, of course, Dr. McDougall has a few things to say about oil as well:

Olive Oil Is Not Healthy - Dr John McDougall:




3 Biggest Mistakes People Make in Their Diets - Dr. John McDougall: m.youtube.com/watch?v=OF7Ua...



If you really wish to 'get into the weeds', an "Olive Oil" search of Dr. McDougall's website, brings up gobs of references to make your eyes bleed 😳 : google.com/search?as_q=Oliv...


Kai-- profile image

If you're interested in the more 'sciencey bits' from a whole foods plant-based perspective, these may be of interest:

Scary Effect Olive Oil Has On Arteries- Dr Caldwell Esselstyn: m.youtube.com/watch?v=o3Oqw...



Dangers of Olive Oil & Mediterranean Diet! Dr Michael Greger & Dr Klaper: m.youtube.com/watch?v=RrKdD...




We're such flexible, malleable creatures that we adapt (our behavioral habits & tastebuds) in no time . . . 👍

In hindsight — when I/we reflect back after having some distance from it, we have a chuckle & wonder 'what all the fuss was about'⁉️ 😂

Yet, whilst in 'the midst of it' (in the present moment) it's an 'unpleasantness/ inconvenience' — even a 'struggle' 😖 — to be overcome. 👍 (And, the light-hearted, good-natured humour of it all is nowhere to be found. 😕 )


Kai-- profile image

Yes, indeed. Couldn't agree with you more, Hessie5. 👍 👍

We each weigh in balance ⚖ what makes sense for us in the moment & proceed accordingly. 👍 🙏


[Personally, I got kinda used to being able to freely use my 'hands, feet, limbs, mind . . .' over the years. 🤗 With the cascading failure of each, I kinda missed 'em. 😉 (And, as the accompanying debilitating pain 'lost its charm' — 'something had to give' . . . 😳 ) Far, far easier (for me) to start fiddling with what I put in my mouth — than the never-ending pain, debilitation, & other little bodily 'surprises' that visited (& took up residence) . . . 😳 😱 ]

Fully realise it's 'easier said than done' for many of us & how it's a struggle to find an approach that suits each of us.

Such personal decisions, such personal individual experiences . . .

We all 'learn as we go'. We each have such unique journeys & walk away with such unique interpretations, opinions, perspectives from our experiences. 😳 🙃

Pretty amazing, dazzling, & baffling . . . 🤗 😂 😳

Have no doubt you'll choose what's best for you, Hessie5.

Wishing you the very best. 🙏 🍀 🌺 🌞


Kai-- profile image

". . . forget the fish oil" — too.


Fish Oil and Rheumatoid Arthritis - Does It Do Anything?



[Transcript: paddisonprogram.com/fish-oi...]



Additional info about oils/ fish oils at: Our Beloved AndySwarbs, a Hero's Journey: healthunlocked.com/nras/pos...

Scroll down toward Simba1992 reference to Ray Peat article: "Oils in Context": raypeat.com/articles/nutrit...


🙏 🍀 🌺 🌞


Kai-- profile image


Additional discussion of OILS from a variety of perspectives at post: 'To continue the AI diet etc debate': healthunlocked.com/nras/pos... 🙏 🍀 🌺 🌞



My 'Reply' text reads:

Merely additional views, GranAmie et. al., on the topic of OILs from 'Whole Foods Plant-Based' perspectives: Olive Oil — not Popeye's 'Olive Oyl': healthunlocked.com/ra-warri...


Very, very interesting the various similarities/ overlaps amongst the various dietary 'philosophies' on oils & the outright contradictions amongst the 'philosophies' (on oils) as well! 😳 😯

Oh là là . . . 😯



Oooo . . . how do we decide which 'philosophical' roadmap 🗺 to follow?! 🤔 🤷‍♀️ 🤦‍♂️

Looks like we each must assess what works for us & follow what 'works for us'? 🤔

And, should it cease working for us (at any point), we learn to flexibly fine-tune/ adjust to what we 'now' discover 🔎 ✨ works for us. 👍👍


Good ole' 'trial & error' self-experimentation 👩‍🔬 ⚗️ is sometimes the only way to find out. 😳 🤔 👍


As so commonly noted, "what works for 1 person 🙆 , doesn't necessarily work for another 🙅." 😯

And, the only way to find that out is to TRY. 😯 😳 😂



Oh là là . . . 🙃

Endlessly ✨ fascinating ✨ 🤔 😯 ☺️ . . .


(Thank you so much, GranAmie et. al., for raising the topic & sharing your research & thoughts. 🙏 😌 Much, much appreciated. 🙏 🍀 🌺 🌞 )


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