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Fun Beyond 10K & Race Support

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All posts for January 2020

TailChaser's HM Training Diary - Week 6

Hi All! An early update this week! Tomorrow I start my new job so I thought it ...
TailChaser profile image

My Stripped Down Trotting Marathon Plan.

Sorry for posting so soon again but I just want to thank the forum for getting m...
Tbae profile image
Metric Marathon

London marathon training update

What a difference a week makes! My long run last Sunday was 8 miles and I strug...
jacky-f profile image
Half Marathon
Want to take advantage of all our features? Just log in!

White fingers after running - Raynauds syndrome?

Forgive brief message can barely type! Have lost a lot of feeling in 6 fingers, ...
Joster profile image
Half Marathon

Shoe porn - well deserved reward

I bought a pair of Asics when I started running in 2018, the shoes have been com...
Nikasa777 profile image

This should be of interest, especially to older runners:
Hidden profile image

First race of 2020

What a fantastic experience tonight was.. so well organised and such a great atm...
tiggs1 profile image

Bespoke route to Marathon Distance.

I was trotting along when my podcast and music was interrupted.I now know thanks...
Tbae profile image
Metric Marathon

Compartment Syndrome

It turns out the pain in my lower calf, which has been getting increasingly wors...
MadDave profile image

It’s Friday, it’s Pom Pom time! Events for this weekend, 11th &12th January

It’s a quiet one again for HU events, but please raise your pom poms and your vo...
linda9389 profile image

Tell me your terrible run stories please, friends

It had to happen. Marathon training had been ticking over okay. Some ups and dow...
AnnaKarenina profile image
Metric Marathon

Exciting ...

Look what just arrrived 😍. Anyone else get theirs today?
linda9389 profile image

Help me spend £30

I'm rubbish at spending money. There are things I want to get, but I spend so lo...
Bike_and_Run profile image
Half Marathon

The Running Channel...

Just wondered if you you are aware of this YouTube channel, which I stumbled acr...
Sandraj39 profile image
Half Marathon

My Runiversary

So one year ago today I embarked on the C25K Programme. I was not sure how far I...
Chris141 profile image
Half Marathon

Running your first marathon can take 4 years off your vascular age

So this article was posted today by Runner’s world and what motivation it serves...
JaoJao profile image

Great North Run

The ballot is......... open! Just sayin’.
K8nno profile image
Half Marathon

Spring 2020 Half Marathon Group 😄 Aiming to be race-day ready !!!

Hi there! Full of resolve and renewed resolution? Desperate to get out and get s...
linda9389 profile image


As part of my bridge to 10k journey I read Jeff Galloways ‘half marathon, you ca...
tiggs1 profile image


Confession - I'm not all that good at stretching. Since starting C25K, the level...
Bike_and_Run profile image
Half Marathon

Marathon training plan

I officially start my 12 training plan today thought I would start to so Tuesday...
paul1960 profile image

Potential Half Marathon 2020 - Need inspirational stories!

I have just graduated from ju-ju's timed plan, which has taken me to just over 8...

TailChaser’s HM Training Diary - Week 5

Happy New Year to all you fab runners! Another week ticked off and it’s is the e...
TailChaser profile image

Marathon Suggestions?

I know it's ultimately my own decision, but just wanted to know other's point of...
jrunner profile image

The 3 Green R's for 2020✔️

I really hate having to buy new running shoes as they are just so expensive, and...
ju-ju- profile image

Time for a catch up! It's the weekly chat, Jan 6th - 12th ☕🍪 🧀 🍪

Well, my tree's down, the twinkly lights are away, the fridge is largely cheesel...
Sqkr profile image
Half Marathon

HM Training Plan (draft)

I'm now running 5KM twice a week, and one longer run of 10KM, but want to build ...
Bike_and_Run profile image
Half Marathon

RED January - are you in?

Has anyone else signed up for RED January and/or Dry January? I’m really using...
Joster profile image
Half Marathon

Wirral Way Winter Half Marathon

It will be 2 years in March since i started C25K. I've had highs and lows along...
Interstellar profile image
Half Marathon

New Badge - Metric Marathon!!! 💥🏅

Hi everyone! I would like to announce we have added a new badge to our list - th...
roseabi profile image