Posts - Fibromyalgia Action UK | HealthUnlocked

Fibromyalgia Action UK

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All posts for April 2013


My husband is afraid to touch me incase he hurts me or makes my pain worse, i fe...
Hidden profile image

Just b een told I have fibromyalgia & osteo arthritis

At the moment am taking amitryptaline & naproxen. Pain is variable what does an...
ashprington profile image

lost my job

hi all havent been on here for a while but here go's ive just lost my job i onl...
suwie profile image
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i have a private pension of £50 per month will i have it deducted from my esa allowonce? it starts in May

ramsgatemart profile image

Occupational health interview? What do I do?

Hi first apologies for not updating my pain management course. Been so tired no ...
MariG profile image

May 12th is International Fibro Awareness Day! Can You Help Raise Awareness?

Sunday May 12th is International Fibro Awareness Day To celebrate the Awarene...
LindseyMid profile image

How it feels!!!!!!

Well can honestly say that the pain the last two months has been worse ever,, an...
funnybunny profile image

just been told have fibromyalgia

hi all, ive just been told last week that I do have fibromyalgia, I also have RA...
missjwren profile image

Thanks for the support guys. Brief update.....

Seen my gp, change of meds & urgent re-referral to consultant. I do feel bett...
tulips123 profile image

Benefits stress me out again

Hi all, after winning my ESA appeal for the 2nd time I have been waiting to hear...
realsorelady profile image

Applying for Contribution Based ESA again

I have just re - applied for contribution - based esa, using another years n.i c...

FibroAction wristbands

We have recently been having issues with Royal mail's handling of the first batc...
LindseyMid profile image

My OH decided he wanted to learn to horse ride.. I suggested he start slowly

But for some reason he didnt seem impressed by the taster session.. Maybe if he ...
Hidden profile image

The Dreaded Visit!!

Well this morning I had a home visit from a Dr working for atos regarding my app...
kiera2002 profile image

How do you handle stressful situations?

I find emotional situations hard to deal with --- for example, arguments -- I ge...
phlebo123 profile image

pain pain pain !!!!

got so much pain everywhere every time i have a flare up they seem to be more pa...
teresa-67 profile image

memory problems

I have been suffering with short term memory for a while now. Does anyone else ...
bbstport profile image

One of those a night that was tinged with hourly visits to the loo was I in pain no

strangeley I was comfortable. That is strange for me but awake kistening to all...
Ginsing profile image

Give me strength.

Every time I stand up, perhaps walk to bathroom and back, sit down - oh heck her...
tulips123 profile image

Does anyone have Bi-polar and find medication for fibro interferes with their bi-polar meds xx

gaynor72 profile image

Duloxetine and jaw pain

Hi, I have recently had my medication of Duloxetine increased from 40-60mg a day...
joyceconfused profile image

attempting to apply for DLA any tips :)

In so much pain today, well have been for a while now.... Been in a flare for ov...
princesskim profile image

Cinnamon and honey

Wondering if anyone had tried taking cinnamon and honey to help with arthritis p...
Voutton profile image

Ear pain and throbbing head

Hi wonder if someone can help, I have had a really bad on and off pain in my ear...
LucyKris profile image

Hi all this is my first time on site so please bare with me I have had fibro for quite some time and as a rule manage symptoms with pain

killers. I am however concerned that I have been experiencing a lot of pain in m...
bomber profile image

Anybody had any encounters with CAPITA? This is not for DLA

Hi all I have an appointment with a CAPITA doctor tomorrow, this is for to see w...
tovi profile image

Noooo Cant believe the DLA form!!

Hi all any help would be appreciated? I have just had my new pack for DLA as I w...
sadoldred profile image

Has any one tried acupuncture?...had my first session today

A couple days ago I asked whether anyone had tried Acupuncture,thank you to ever...
pinkblossom profile image

The Volunteer Hut

We thought we were getting a palatial new building, but this is all they would l...
ladymoth profile image

Fibro awarenesss day May 12th

I have so far persuaded two local shops to dec their windows in purple with purp...
spidey profile image