killers. I am however concerned that I have been experiencing a lot of pain in my pelvis with swollen stomach, back pain and generally feeling unwell. The problem is that I am worried that this is more than the fibro however know that if I go to GP they will send me away with some other potion and I will feel like Im complaining again. I have had blood tests which I asked for but all came back normal should I insist on more tests or accept that this is life with fibro ?
Hi all this is my first time on site ... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Hi all this is my first time on site so please bare with me I have had fibro for quite some time and as a rule manage symptoms with pain

Insist, you no your body better than them. See a different doctor? xx
This could be quite a number of things ibs , possibly a kidney infection, whatever you have before .... in your case fibro, any new conditions that crop up and cause you to feel unwell should always be checked out by your GP.. You have stated them clearly and well on here write it out and take it to your GP so they understand that the symptoms are making you feel unwell and are different to your normal fibro symptoms
Please do,it soon
VG x
Hello Bomber,
Welcome to the forum. As VG says it could be a number of things or nothing at all but it is obviously concerning you as it feels different to your Fibro pain. I would consider mentioning any new symptoms to the GP and maybe be a bit more assertive, as you say Fibro can potentially mask other problems.
On the FibroAction website it provides information for the best way to communicate with Doctors, please see the link below,
I hope this helps
Thank you for your replies and I will def take note infact have decided to make appointment tomorrow and as you suggest Emma possibly be a bit more assertive thanks again
Hi Bomber,
Very good advice above, to which I can add nothing except 'Welcome' to our site. I hope you will find good company here as well as advice and support.
Moffy x
Hello Bomber
It is very difficult to actually get past Fibro once diagnosed with it, it seems everything you suffer all of a sudden is down to it.
I feel that insisting on more tests is the only way to go.
I insisted on a urine dip test in the end because of some of the symptoms you discribed, they found blood and protein present, now i am having tests for kidney problems .This could be due to all the strong pain killers i have taken over a period of 15 years.
Keep asking ,keep insisting , look up your problems on the net and see what tests need doing and ask for them i am glad i did .
Good Luck and take care
x katheyrn