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Endometriosis UK

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Fertility posts

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Deep infiltrating bowel and infertility

Hi all, this is my first time posting here and looking for some advice really. ...
LJM89 profile image

Removing Mirena coil to try to get pregnant

Hi Everyone,I'm 33 years old and I was diagnosed with endometriosis in 2015. I h...

Endo and IVF

Hi everyone, I was diagnosed with severe endo last Jan. I have low amh (3.5), my...
Endowarrior36 profile image
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Pain after FET?

Hello, Wondering if anyone has had sharp endo pain after an embryo transfer an...
nazbear profile image

Feeling alone with a complicated situation

Hi all, I wondered if there’s anyone on here that has gone through anything sim...

Period 10 days early - why?

Hi, I’m 31 with diagnosed stage 2 endometriosis (this was a few years ago no...

Scared of GnRH as symptoms include osteoporosis, alopecia and hot flashes. Endo and fibroid.

I've been diagnosed of fibroid, endo and dermoid cyst. Gyna suggested surgery bu...
Molight profile image

Pain during sex and trying to concieve

Hi, I had my laparoscopy just over a year ago. I've been on chemotherapy for mul...
Rhi23 profile image

Fertility Help?

Hello, I'm pretty scared about waiting until id like a baby incase I leave it to...
Adnalim profile image

endometrioma and pregnancy

Hi everyone! I was wondering about any cases of people who had a large endomet...
KHSAUSBRA profile image

Infertility clinic no help at all!

So I posted on here before about having an ovarian cyst removed last year and th...
Field20 profile image

Possible Endo without too much pain?

Hi all, After TTC for a long time and spotting a week before my period every mo...

Fertility and future - how do I make logical decisions

I was 20 when I was diagnosed with stage 1 endometriosis covering my left ovary ...
Sackers93 profile image

Keyhole surgery

Hi Guys, I haven’t had my periods it has been nearly a year due to taking prost...

TTC 2 and half years

me and my husband have been trying for over 2 years now with no luck. I have sta...
Munns22 profile image

Deep infiltrating adenomyosis and fertility issues.

Hi, has anyone here had experienced adenomyosis cysts deep in the uterus ? 'bulk...

Painful Sex, Bloating & 18 days late on my period!

Hi all! I’m just seeking some advice if anyone can help. I suffer with PCO, EN...
Greegaxxo profile image

Recently diagnosed with Endometriosis, PCOS & Hydrosalpinx. I have been TTC for 3 years. Is there any hope?

Hi! I have been TTC for about 3 years now, suffering one miscarriage in 2020 at ...
Greegaxxo profile image

Endo or just normal menstrual symptoms?

Hiya So… heres my story. During my periods I usually get really bad vomiting and...

Pain after laparoscopy

Hi All. I had a laparoscopy 3 months ago. They found endo and burnt it off. Am s...
Rudolf1234 profile image

Feeling sad and anxious about my infertility

Hi ladies, I'm really struggling at the moment to be able to cope with how sad ...
Spangalow07 profile image

Recent diagnosis of endo and decisions regarding future fertility

Hi I’m not sure if anyone else is in the same position as me but I thought I’d p...
0Jasmine profile image


Hi new to the forum, I’m 24 years old and started taking periods at age 9 since ...
Caityx profile image

Egg freezing

Hi, My doctor doesn’t want to do excision surgery on me because I am young (22) ...
Cejn2000 profile image

Family planning - where to start?

Hi, I was diagnosed with Endo around 3 years ago via a laparoscopy where they f...
CPow17 profile image

Endometriosis and Fertility

Hi, I'm 28 years old and was diagnosed with stage II endometriosis two years ago...
Sakura93 profile image

Trying to get pregnant

Hi, Sorry it’s a long one. So I’ve just been discharged from the endometriosis ...
bumble_96 profile image

When do you start your IVF treatment?

Hello has anyone gone through the investigations of IVF ? I’ve been going throug...
Sophiii profile image

If pain has stopped due to pill, is surgery still necessary?

Hi, would really appreciate some advice I’m on a waiting list for lap with exci...

Has anyone tried ultra-long protocol IVF with endo?

Hi Recently had a lap and had grade 4 endo diagnosed and a lot of it removed. Pr...
RedA28 profile image
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