Hi all, this is my first time posting here and looking for some advice really.
I had a miscarriage in November (after trying for a second child for 1 year) and since then I have has extremely painful and heavy periods and deep pelvic pain with some pain after sex but not consistently and this is rare now. I was referred for an MRI from the GP after internal exam showed a 'black' cervix. MRI results showed 'deep infiltrating endometreosis' and a small right ovarian cyst. I was rescanned 8 weeks later (internal ultrasound) and cyst appeared to be resolving. After waiting to see the specialist for 3 months I was told the MRI appeared to show some infiltration of the bowel and I have now been referred to a colorectal specialist for a consultation and likely a colonoscopy to confirm and then discuss treatment which I believe is likely to be surgery.
My question really is around fertility. I have now been trying for a baby for nearly two years with one miscarriage. I can cope with the endometreosis diagnosis and wait for treatment options on NHS waiting lists but my number one priority is to have another baby and I wonder how much the endo is prohibiting this. I am 35 and don't want to wait too much longer. Does anyone have any advice on if having laprascopy etc helps with fertility as I am being told mixed things by every doctor I see - some say there is no reason I can conceive, others have said it can be unlikley by surgery may help me. Just feel so lost and not sure which way to turn to try and drive my treatment forward. Thanks in advance,