Posts - Endometriosis UK | HealthUnlocked

Endometriosis UK

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All posts for October 2020

Feeling a bit worried

Hi all After not having any face to face consultations and having problems inclu...

Colonoscopy booked

So hysterectomy still not booked in with a date but not all bad as my bowels are...

Post-surgery pain at 4 weeks

I had laparoscopy 4 weeks ago to remove a cyst on my left ovary and still have s...
MollySC profile image
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Painful ovulation and TTC

Morning, I am experiencing an endo flare and am trying to get pregnant. Having ...

help about endometriosis pain on period

hello my wife have endometriosis and she have pain especially on the period time...
matan12128 profile image

Is this endometriosis?

So, where to start? For the past 5 years I have had trouble with my periods. Fir...

Private consultation

Hi, I’ve booked an appointment with a private consultant who specialises in end...
Redhen17 profile image

Does tramadol help ?

I’ve been prescribed tramadol by my specialist after naproxen failed to even tou...
Sarahfres profile image

Endo?? Adenomyosis??? Going crazy

Hi all, I'm writing because I feel like I'm losing my mind and I'm sure I'm not ...
Clyders1 profile image

Endo Belly

Hi 😊, I’m writing a lot of posts because I’ve only recently found out about hav...
Endolady22 profile image

Surgery in 2 weeks, worries and stress

Hello ladies, Today the bomb dropped and I have finally been given a date for my...
lana1995 profile image

So much pain and unwell

Hello. I have stage 4 endometriosis. Since I stopped triptorelin injections in S...
Lily1986 profile image

Ovarian cysts and endo

Hi all, I had an 8.6cm ovarian cyst removed three weeks ago now, and they did a...
sarahfairbrook profile image

Endo and work

Hi! new to the forum here. I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2015, Endo this June, in...
hls123 profile image

Advice cyst rupture, health in general, ovulation

I'm 2 weeks post surgery, I had a cyst rupture, had 400ml of blood in my abdo fo...
LauRAa-1 profile image

Struggling with getting a diagnosis

Hello all! I am new here, just joined today. I have been having symptoms for app...
Cazaroth profile image

Pregnant and awaiting second Lap

Hello everyone, hope you are all doing okay. So I just wanting to know if there...
Love_Yellow profile image

Constant need and urge to wee

I was diagnosed with endo years ago now (after a huge battle) I received treatme...
Trife19 profile image

Periods MORE painful post op

Periods even more painful post lap, has anyone experienced this? My bladder has ...
Dejavu2003 profile image

How long before prostap leaves your system?

Hi all, I am a lupus suffer and was recently put on a chemo treatment which led ...
Kamberly profile image

Visanne 2mg

Hi there :), My gynaecologist has prescribed me with visanne 2mg. I am nervous t...
Endolady22 profile image

ache in knees

Hi does anyone get like a bad ache in their knees?
charlie1129 profile image

Constant need to wee and Endo

I was wondering if there’s a link to my bladder seemingly always being full and ...

Advice on laparoscopy - newly 'diagnosed'

Hi, I'm 23 and in the past few weeks I've been in bad pain - worst ever and turn...
EndoK27 profile image

Knees and feet pain

Hello!! I have an endometriosis and I wanted to share my experience I had today ...
Endolinka profile image

New to this

Hi new to this i was diagnosed a year ago had lap op December last year which he...
_Sunflower profile image

Bulky uterus

Hi I suffer with endometriosis but I’ve just had a ultrasound an they said I’ve ...
Shelly085 profile image

Endometriosis , adenymiosis

I have been waiting for support with my endometriosis for years myself. I was re...
Newjeff profile image

Endometriosis sufferers

Hi, I’m new to this. Got my diagnosis 2 years ago after a Laparoscopy. Endo wa...

Endometrioma and surgery

Hi, I was diagnosed with a 5cm complex cyst which Dr said is an Endometrioma. I’...
CB1976 profile image