Advice cyst rupture, health in general, o... - Endometriosis UK

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Advice cyst rupture, health in general, ovulation

LauRAa-1 profile image
14 Replies

I'm 2 weeks post surgery, I had a cyst rupture, had 400ml of blood in my abdo for days, they were all quite concerned until they got rid of the blood and now they're happy.

Im still not great so the GP ordered bloods because I was near black out, nose bleeds, generally run down etc. Anyway platelets are high, which is potentially and likely a reaction to surgery/the bleeding. However to be on the safe side we're repeating bloods in a few weeks.

Thing is high platelets can also be a sign of other things, one example breast cancer which Im considered to be in the moderate risk for, and told to take extra measures against ie avoid certain meds etc. I always have lumpy breasts so I'm like how would you know? I have the number of the breast care nurse I saw years ago for genetic testing, but it does g feel like an appropriate contact. I feel like im just being a bit mental and should wait for the next blood results.

I also don't have a treatment to stop my ovulation to help stop the cysts occurring again because the discharge was terrible, I was told this happens its normal, it shouldn't be life threatening like it was for you but it can be sometimes.

I generally feel like im just being paranoid and overthinking the whole thing and then chucking in 10 million other thoughts and im not sure what my question is.

Im not normally like this either! I normally think all is good, it'll pass, nothings wrong.

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LauRAa-1 profile image
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14 Replies
Moon_maiden profile image

I think gynae stuff plays havoc with the imagination as it’s never taken seriously.

Seems a very sensible idea to contact the nurse though. Have you bought this up with GP?

LauRAa-1 profile image
LauRAa-1 in reply to Moon_maiden

The GP told me I should really have sorted all this myself during my hospital admission because she doesn't have time, but she'd write to gynae.

The medications suggested in the discharge summary I have been previously told by multiple health care professionals put me at risk and that I should not be taking them, this GP was telling me that it was my personal choice not to take them.

I just feel a bit like I havent been heard, im normally more together than this!

Moon_maiden profile image
Moon_maiden in reply to LauRAa-1

You’d think by now GP’s would realise it’s not easy having conversations with consultants in hospital. It’s bad enough with them, especially when they say things like that.

A couple of times I’ve paid to see gynaecologists because I’ve thought of things after initial discussion. It’s definitely not you or your fault.

The first time I saw gynae I just handed notes and said my communication with drs was lousy after the year I’d had, he was very nice about it.

LauRAa-1 profile image
LauRAa-1 in reply to Moon_maiden

If I do get to see a gynaecologist my friend is going to come with me for support, shes been through alot herself and she'll speak up for me. Im exhausted with it all. Im usually good with things but ive just lost my voice in all this. Im just a ramble at the moment. I suppose really its still pretty early days considering I woke up that day thinking I was going to the bank and to some jobs but ended up in hospital waiting for emergency surgery. Thanks for listening

Moon_maiden profile image
Moon_maiden in reply to LauRAa-1

Here if you need to chat. You’ve got a good friend 🙂

Let us know how you get on

Afrohair profile image

I'm so sorry your so anxious but I wanted to say this!

None of this is Your fault we can't control cysts even if you have birth control you can still get them.

Nothing that has happened is in your control so don't beat yourself up.

In the meantime try and think positive and make light out of a sticky situation .take that nice bath what's on offer accept any help you can.

All the best x

LauRAa-1 profile image
LauRAa-1 in reply to Afrohair

Thankyou. I found out today that I am actually ovulating already (took a test, I wanted to actually see if my cycle had really continued despite the trauma and surgery), I feel a little better in myself knowing that my body is trying to recover from the surgery and has the added ovulation pain. Like no wonder I feel a bit of an emotional tornado.

Thankyou for taking the time to msg me.

Afrohair profile image
Afrohair in reply to LauRAa-1

Are you trying for a baby ?because I know how stressful that can be !on top of you having surgery that must be awful for you!try not to stress as it's a big thing when it comes to ovulation and reproduction easier said than done I know try and focus on getting better x

LauRAa-1 profile image
LauRAa-1 in reply to Afrohair

Hey, no I'm not but because they said it was directly related to ovulation I felt that it was a good idea to have an idea of whether I had started ovulating again. It was all very crazy. I always had ovulation pain, but this was different. I was waiting for it to pass for 8 hours before eventually going to the hospital where they found i was internally bleeding, I was then in hospital for a week because they thought it had clotted but it hadn't, they didn't realise until they opened me up for surgery. The discharging dr said if they can stop me ovulating then it should stop it happening again but he didn't discuss the treatment options. I found them on the discharge summary and theyre all against previous medical advice. Weirdly having all these issues makes me really broody but its totally not something I need! Im pretty sure that's my hormones too! I've never been such a hormonal mess apart from maybe when I was pregnant hahaha.

Afrohair profile image
Afrohair in reply to LauRAa-1

Sorry for your struggles I do know they can't say if you will have cysts again or not they just can't even if you have contraception they could offer you the pill that is supposed to drip ovulation but can be more trouble than it's worth I heard grapes prevent cysts I eat them regularly for that reason and saw a post on you tube where someone stopped her cysts by eating them every day it's to do with something called revertrol or something inside them

LauRAa-1 profile image
LauRAa-1 in reply to Afrohair

Does wine work? Cos I'll eat grapes and drink wine all day long hahaha.

Yep I cant take the pill so it really is looking at alternatives.

I think before I felt like ok so ovulation is painful I'll deal with it, then this happened and I thought omg im not actually immortal, this could be serious.

Afrohair profile image
Afrohair in reply to LauRAa-1

So sorry for that well wine has grapes In so should work lol !i think it's the only drink us with endo drink what's alcoholic lol well apparently the coil can cause cysts! I give in with options lol nothing ever worked for me!but I'm currently pregnant so luckily don't have to think about it just yet I stopped taking contraception for 5 years then endo appeared. I was considering the coil Later as my endo now has me bleeding the wrong bloody way lol and it's so embarrassing to me !but coil they say can cause cysts I really think it's down to the person have a read of Laura briden period repair manual it has helped me understand contraception a bit more docs just want you on it don't care about side effects

LauRAa-1 profile image
LauRAa-1 in reply to Afrohair

Congratulations on your pregnancy!

I hope its going well.

TBH for the first 4 and a bit years the mirena coil served me well, stopped periods and pain was reduced to twinges and manageable.

I started to spot again every 28 days a year ago, in May because it had been going on for 6 months regularly I asked the GP to change my coil the gynaecologist had previously recommended that I should request this if I had spotting and pain occur regularly. But the GP refused as he said it wasnt due for a change and if wouldn't be considered urgent with covid it would be even less of a priority. So I just thought ok fine I'll wait its not nice but its not at its worst, you'll have to change it in July 2021 anyway and then this occurred. So its just a big cycle of dead ends isn't it really.

Afrohair profile image
Afrohair in reply to LauRAa-1

Thankyou ❤️Oh that's awful I heard that us endo girls have to change ours a bit earlier as they run out quicker and not as effective. I will try the coil in the future i think !

I had it in the past for a year and it was ok ❤️

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