Posts - Fun Beyond 10K & Race Support | HealthUnlocked

Fun Beyond 10K & Race Support

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All posts for July 2018

Sports Podiatrist appointment yesterday

I have poorly feet, Well to be honest I have been struggling with pain in the ...
Realfoodieclub profile image

The July Challenge so far - and a poll: What do you ❤️ about running?

Hi all! Thank you so much to everyone who has posted in the July Challenge - Wha...
roseabi profile image

July Challenge - Whatsapp's Story

Q: what is the picture about? A: This is me running with my youngest daughter at...
Whatsapp profile image
Half Marathon
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Tailwind users during marathons

I was just wondering if any of the marathoners/ultraers (think that's a word - i...
AnnieW55 profile image

Marathons.. how do you do it.

I'm struggling to get my head around the marathon distance. It seems so difficul...
pinkaardvark profile image
Half Marathon

The Weekly chitter chatter 16th to the 29th of July

Hello everybody and welcome to Monday.... its a new day, and an opportunity to g...
ju-ju- profile image

Novice question re. training

I am doing my first ever race in October- a half marathon. I’ve only been runnin...
ClareO65 profile image
Half Marathon


I've been trying to get out early with all this hot weather, but there are only ...
andystev profile image

July story

My running/ fitness experience is fairly new but here goes... Q: Please attach ...
Decker profile image

July Challenge Response (from an old-timer)

I'd drifted away from an on-line presence, apart from the odd dip into Facebook....
andystev profile image

Goodness me is it Pom Pom Day again already? Race events July 14th & 15th 🍉🍏🍓

Shake it shake it shake it people!!!! Happy Friday, and let's send out a MASSIVE...
roseabi profile image

July Challenge - Madge’s story....

Please attach a picture, doesn’t have to be if you if you don’t want - but tell ...
Madge50 profile image

Sweat ... we all do it but how do we deal with it

Not sure if this is the right place but it seemed as good a place as any. Sweat...
womblejogger profile image
Half Marathon

July challenge .. who am I... ?

Here goes... Who am I , my name is Stephen Pearce aka the womble jogger be inter...
womblejogger profile image
Half Marathon

C3PO's story

Q: Please attach a picture, doesn't have to be of you if you don't want - but te...
C3PO profile image

Training Half Marathons Miles

Hello everyone, my name is Claudia and I am 16 years old. I am a trained cross c...
Hidden profile image

Pinks story

Q: what is the picture about? Pic was me after running in the snow back in Marc...
pinkaardvark profile image
Half Marathon

July challenge: Sqkr

Please attach a picture, doesn't have to be of you if you don't want - but tell ...
Sqkr profile image
Half Marathon

Ju- Ju's story

What a great idea roseabi I cant wait to read all of your stories too :) Pic: A...
ju-ju- profile image

An interval training ... with a twist... the hare and the Tortoise :)

Today I was supposed to do a quick and easy 4 miles, but I finally had the time ...
marco83 profile image


Hi does anyone wear oofos flip flops which are suppose to ease your feet after r...
Shelby1973 profile image
Half Marathon


I wasn't feeling like doing a long run this morning. It was warm, I was tired an...
Clairecandothis profile image

Weekly chit chat 9th to the 15th of July 😺

Hello everybody and welcome to Monday.... its a new day, and an opportunity to p...
ju-ju- profile image

Eastbourne 10k - melting in the heat

Yesterday was my second ever 10k race. The last time I ran one - 5th May - the c...
Whatsapp profile image
Half Marathon

roseabi's Running Story 😊

Here's my contribution to the July mini-challenge - I've actually been meaning t...
roseabi profile image

Meh, Sheesh, Eeek

18K was a practice target for this coming weekend’s second HM but l stopped at j...
mrrun profile image

My slowest 6k ever.....and that’s A-ok👍

Thanks to everyone for their advice on trail running training last week. I start...
SaskAlliecat profile image
Half Marathon

That's Training Scuppered :(

Apologies for anyone squeamish. I am in the IC with a sodding horse fly bite. An...

July Challenge: What's Your Running Story? A bit different, this one... 😊

Ju-Ju will be introducing our next full challenge (August) soon, but in the mean...
roseabi profile image

Summer Speed Challenge: The results, and you are AWESOME 🤩🤩🤩

Heyup! Here's the final graph, hope it's reasonably clear, if a bit busy! We had...
roseabi profile image