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Fibromyalgia Action UK

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All posts for June 2013

AT ROCK BOTTOM !!!!!!!!!!! need energy and painfree life urgently.............

Sorry to all to prattle on but having a really low low time since xmas........ha...
lavenderheart profile image

my head says I had a great weekend with family, my body says different.

My son and family moved on saturday nearer to me, as I can no longer lift boxes ...
Maggie118 profile image

Diagnosed with Lymphoma

Hi there everyone, I have just been diagnosed with lymphoma although I don't kno...
MsTigger profile image
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The weather here is lovely so sun hats on and a gentle sit in the shade for me!

Please take care in the garden or managing steps, if you need a stick do use it...
Ginsing profile image


I went to see an orthopaedic specialist on friday last week as i have been getti...
bbstport profile image

confirmation from GP

i am filling my esa form now.i have heard if i enclose a GP's letter in which st...
Hidden profile image

Absolutely exhausted..

Having a really bad flare up. .im so exhausted even at rest in a chair or bed in...
pinot profile image

Tolterodine Tartrate for Irritable Bladder Syndrome

Hi folks I have had frequency all my life (a hereditary thing methinks) and I...
Kirby profile image

Dealing with pregnancy and Fm

I have been suffering with FM for around 3 years I try to continue with life lik...
amoy22 profile image

Could you help Pain Concern improve pain management in primary care?

Lyndsay posted this on the FibroAction blog, hope its ok to re-post it here. Co...
hamble99b profile image

Dealing with Crippling Anxiety

Hi I wanted to ask you all what you do to cope with anxiety, if you suffer fr...
Hidden profile image

DLA 5 th time

On Wednesday I saw the DLA Dr not sure but I think it went well I have stage 3 c...
cm49 profile image

Prinzmetal Angina (Coronary Artery Spasm)

Morning everyone. Like you, I'm fascinated by this illness which joins us all to...
comber profile image

Sore legs and feet

Having a bad flare at min find im sleeping all t arfternoon my legs and feet are...
mummyshell profile image

cannot sleep

actually managed to cut my grass today(well some of it).feeling tired wanting to...
anbuma profile image

Itching This is weird! :)

I know from previous posts, many of us are, from time to time, driven half mad w...
tulips123 profile image

Little man called Arthur Itis in Right knee. Splints, anyone?

What a bummer. Arthritis in the old knee now. I was hoping it was just a strain...
Glenys profile image

Urgently looking for a Vascular pediatric surgeon

Dear All, Urgently I am looking for a vascular pediatric surgeon or hospital ...
sudu76 profile image

Just received atos appointment for medical?

I suffer from epilepsy,clinical depression(suicidal most days)and recently diagn...
philmeister profile image

Hiya fibromites been reading the blog posts & have not been commenting, hope all are as well as can be.

I am doing quite well until i over did doing things in the garden with the terri...
motzie profile image

72 hours without CRYING

Just thought let all my new fibro friends know, NOT CRIED FOR 72 hours now oh h...
merlinmac profile image

How do you deal with a flare up without increasing your meds?

Just recently there has been a lot going on. There have been changes at work and...
Deebee17 profile image

i went to check my bank acc on thursday and there was a lot of in my acc and they said it was dla but i have not received my letter

donnaandkatie profile image

Fibro really isn't just laziness and depression.

As some of you are aware my family is having a really tough time,funeral is on M...
jekkstar profile image

just saying hi not wrote here for long time

well just here to say hi again not wrote for long while hubby still not well had...
zippie profile image

Positive attitude

This is a positive attitude to life regardless of what has been thrown at us
Voutton profile image

Dr Kevin Whites book and conference

Did anyone attend the conference with Dr Kevin White about fibromyalgia. Did an...
josie46 profile image


Following on from my question yesterday about Graded Exercise Therapy, I am mean...
JaneBG profile image

Getting dizzy with appointments...

So went to the doc today as he sent me a letter asking to see me... He was tr...
trae profile image

Just a hello, and an update

It's been a while since I actually posted/commented on here, although I have bee...
SootyB profile image