Posts - Endometriosis UK | HealthUnlocked

Endometriosis UK

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All posts for March 2021


Hello lovelies, I have just got home from my hospital appointment after seeing ...
NikNak98 profile image

Newly diagnosed -

Hi . im new here. diagnosed on monday but dont yet know how much of it is in my...
MrsIT profile image

Embryo transfer and endo

Hello everyone, I don’t know if i reached the right forum..i was about to have e...
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Endo diet?

Hello! Hope everyone’s doing well? ✨ I was just wondering if anyone could direc...
Bean_123 profile image

Endometriosis and mental health

Hey, I’ve recently been diagnosed with endometriosis and while of course we all ...

Chocolate Cyst

Hi, Hope everyone is well. I was wondering if anyone has any experience of cho...
Ambs2018 profile image

Needing advice about intense pain

I have had endometriosis symptoms since I began my period at 12 years old. They ...
smarieday profile image

Catheter and endo?

I am having bladder dynamics tomorrow where they insert a catheter to fill your ...
OllieF profile image

Endo and the pill

Hi everyone, I hope you’re doing well. I have endometriosis and I am currently ...

Really struggling but can’t get anywhere with GP due to covid etc

Hello all hope your ok 💛 I’m going through a really bad time at the minute fla...
Joely21 profile image

Zoladex and Mirena question? Need help.

Okay so I’ve been on zoladex for two years awaiting a hysterectomy but due to co...

Two minipills x day to stop bleeding? Avoid laparoscopy?

Hey there! I am in the process of being diagnosed endo. I have been taking Desor...
Juditd21 profile image

Prickles - stitch irritating bellybutton after lap?

Hi, I've had a strange experience with my last stitches healing after a lap. TMI...
Hidden profile image

Is it possible to have endometriosis and still feel pain while on hormone treatments?

I have tried two types of the pill, the GnRH analogues (Zoladex injections) and ...
tullagh profile image

Endo and shoulder pain

I seem to get shoulder pain (left) whenever I’m experiencing a flare up or about...
Nor_ profile image

Endometriosis supplements?

Endometriosis supplements? Hi everyone hope and wishing you are well 💛. I was j...
Sam11_endo1 profile image

endo triggers?

So i’ve been trying to figure out what “triggers” my bad pain days. Some days I ...
mariaL0L profile image

Women's health consultation The Government is launching ...
LittleG22 profile image

IMPORTANT - Chance to impact NHS treatment for women's health. Spread the word!

Morning lovely ladies, I received this email this morning, please see below - I'...

Issues on Decapeptyl! Help!

I’m have recently had my 2nd monthly decapeptyl injection due to a 9cm fibroid a...
Mikki2021 profile image

New diets - food intolerance! Oops.

Hi, I had the "brilliant" idea to try a recipe from an endometriosis diet book....
Hidden profile image

Maca root or aloe vera for endometriosis?

Hi Has anyone used maca root or aloe vera to help with endo symptoms? Did they ...
TennisAM profile image

Can Endo form as a lump under the skin in the arm?

Might seem like a crazy / stupid question..... but I have a pea sized lump in my...
dir95 profile image

Any experience of csection and stage 4 endo ?

So I’m 24wks and debating between csection or vbac. Has anyone had any experienc...
Rehanat profile image

Feeling like im "faking it"/ Private ££

Hi all Im just feeling a bit fed up and like im faking it when I have days or m...
gemini_stars profile image

Endo of the spine

I’m very much at the start of this painful journey been suffering pain in my low...
Mumto309 profile image

Highly suspect I’ve got fibromyalgia doctor won’t have it

Aswell am my eno which I think we all agree we can define that pain from others,...
Coral07 profile image

Unsure of symptoms I’ve developed in the past year - GP dismissed symptoms so I’m not sure what this is or what to do.

Hi everyone, Am wondering if someone can help me, sorry in advance for the long ...
caoilimc profile image

A comfy dress is heavenly after laparoscopy!

Hi, I'm in week three after a diagnostic laparoscopy, wash-out, and removal of ...
Hidden profile image

Endo pain management suggestions

Hey everyone, hope you're all having a good day. My laparoscopy has been postpon...
Hobi profile image