Prickles - stitch irritating bellybutton ... - Endometriosis UK

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Prickles - stitch irritating bellybutton after lap?

1 Reply

Hi, I've had a strange experience with my last stitches healing after a lap. TMI story here...

All of the stitches were removed when it was time, except for the one in my belly button. It became red and irritated, so I went to see a nurse. She gave me a honey dressing to try. Then, a couple of days later, it also became weepy with yellow fluid, so I went to see the out of hours Dr and was given antibiotics (reluctantly, after I mentioned that it looked infected to me). After a few days, it had also become soft, white- yellow, gooshy, and the stitch knot was sinking into my skin, making a little hole, and hurting (by week 3 after lap). Neither the nurse nor the Dr wanted to remove the irritating stitch because it was in my belly button. Hmm. I know what a red, yellow-weepy, angry tiny little patch of skin means - that's a wee spot of an infection with the irritation of a knot half in and half out of the body. I don't think the Dr or the nurse could see it properly at the end of the miniature deep, dark cavern of my bellybutton.

So, I took out the stitch, and I feel so much better! (Yes, I did it with disinfected, clean tools - I have an amazing hobby lamp to help me see too). I feel strange that the nurse and Dr were cautious about removing a stitch, imagining it would dissolve automatically, when it was making a micro-mess and hurting like a little spike. I guess the mucky area wasn't large enough for them to be concerned about... but I'd say that an immediate 75% reduction in discomfort and an immediate start to the little spot healing was worth a lot to me! Hopefully the sky will not fall on me now that I've tidied it up myself.

Has this happened to anyone else?

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1 Reply
Dogmad6 profile image

Based on sad experience of several operations, both doctors and nurses can be very incompetent. I've had no end of trouble with stitches there being stuck and difficult to remove. I can't help but think you've done the right thing, especially given the care you took so well done. XX

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