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Endometriosis UK

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All posts for November 2013

Off for my lap first thing tomorrow - any advice?

Hi ladies - after months of appointments and waiting, I'm finally going in for m...
MrsPanda profile image

pain in hip

Got pretty constant pain in my hip and lower back, could this be the endometrios...
lorcase profile image

More Tuesday! So fed up

I posted last week to say that I was getting a second opinion after seeing same ...
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Twisting and burning pains :(

For the last approx 6 weeks I have been experiencing, everyday, lower abdomen pa...
Hidden profile image

Stabbing pain on right hand side

Hi ladies I just wanted to ask for some help on this matter. I had a lap in Feb...
fedup33 profile image

What does you mirena string look like i think my came out..

mwebber profile image

5 months of Zoladex and still pain!

Hi ladies, I know there are a lot of you out there who have found great relief o...
Cooka profile image

Endo pain in their genitals?

Hi ladies, I apologise in advance for TMI and I'm embarrassed to ask this but do...
Cooka profile image

Hi everyone, I have stage 4 endo and have had 3 laps over 5 yrs. my bowel is covered in it and may also be inside. I saw the surgeon today

And need a full hysterectomy and surgery on my bowel which will leave me with a ...
Spacepup profile image

H every one,i saw my gyno for the first time today, she said she doesnt think its endo, but she has given me tablets to try called LOESTRIN

has any one else been on these.
jan2012 profile image

Hysteroscopy day sugery NHS funding available for sub fertility treatment?

Hi ladies Really need a reply for this.Is there a NHS funding for day surgeries...
aroo88 profile image

After lap agony and complications feel worse off than before surgery!

Hi I'm using this for the first time but I always read everyone's answers and qu...
Btt90s profile image

Hello I'm new here

Hi I am 26 years old and was diagnosed with endo back in November last year afte...
Hidden profile image

Help!! I've had 2 laps, a D&C and a hystroscopy, now I can't have sex or use tampons!!

Hi, I hope someone can help me!! I've had 2 laps, a D&C and a hysterosopy! Now I...
Becky92 profile image

coil vs zoladex

So I saw my GP yesterday who is lovely and very sympathetic. I told her I am not...
karrijon profile image

At my wits end!!!!

I dont know what to do.... I feel sick constantly from the coil which doctor has...
Ria29 profile image

After lap agony and complications..

Hi I'm using this for the first time but I always read everyone's answers and qu...
Btt90s profile image

Hi had lap yesterday surgeon said he managed to cut most of the endo away and has put a liquid in to stop it coming back anyone heard of it?

beanonorton profile image

iI've been to the doctors already and it's said that I have a cyst on my ovarys I'm in a lot of pain been on my cycle for 13 days I feel ve

ry weak what should I do need some help I been to my primary care and it's like ...
41tracy profile image

Dazed and confused! Bit of a long one, sorry!

Hi everyone! So this might be a bit long winded and complicated! I'm 22 years ...
KH14 profile image

Symptoms of a chocolate cyst!!!

Hi all, so I had a lap in July last year and have my 2nd scheduled for 2 weeks t...
Curlycarlz profile image

really worried about the long term effects of zoladex:(!

hi, im 16 and have been put on zoladex until june, i have had 6 monthly treatme...
maria1997 profile image

New here and in tears of agony

Hi all, I have suffered for many many years with my periods. Long story short, ...
Daisy4567 profile image

Hi ,hope you are all ok,i have my first appointment with the gyno tomorrow,i have been trying to think of questions to ask but my head has

gone blank, my doctor thinks i am showing all the signs of endo and i realy dont...
jan2012 profile image

PMT, hormones, the Mirena and why is it a bad idea to have a hysterectomy if you still have endo?

Hi all, I'm feeling absolutely fed up with everything atm. I've had three laps ...
memyselfi profile image

Now what do I do?

I had a lap 4 weeks ago to see if I had endo as I have ever symptom going and mo...
Ziggyzo1990 profile image


Hey I'm new I'm 16 turning 17 and I've had Endometriosis Since I Was 14 When I H...

Advice needed please - laparoscopy scheduled for this Friday. Hospital have now delayed it for another 3 weeks which I can't do. What to do?

Hi everyone, (apologies for cross-posting - I wasn't sure if this should be a qu...
jen789 profile image

Urgent advice needed please! Hospital are trying to move my lap date from this Friday but I can't do another date...

Hi everyone, I wonder if anyone can offer any advice? I had a laparoscopy schedu...
jen789 profile image

no pain until after lap

I underwent a laparoscopy a few weeks ago for fertility investigation, prior to ...
andi1504 profile image