Hi all, I'm feeling absolutely fed up with everything atm. I've had three laps and still have endo on bowel, rectum, ureter and ovary and it feels like it is back on the pouch of Douglas and pelvic ligaments etc too
They put the Mirena in during the last op, and I had awful mood swings and spotting for six months, then no bleeding for another six months (which was great, I still had endo pain but having no actual bleeding/anaemia helped) but now I have spotting again and the period pain that goes along with it. I've also had the sudden plunge into depression feeling that I had during the first six months of it. Will this continue? Does anyone know?
So can anyone explain why the Mirena is recommended for women with endo?
I am sure I was told that if I had the Mirena put in during the last lap, it would stop the endo regrowing/increasing elsewhere. However, they also say that it can't possibly be affecting my moods because the hormones don't have an effect outside the uterus. Can both these things be true?
I don't know what to do.I feel I have no options. I am truly scared of any injections to see if the pain stops, I honestly think I will lose my job with the sort of mood swings that people report. I completely over reacted to something at work yesterday/today and got told off for it. Thing is, I thought I was being completely and utterly rational, I even slept on it. Then, this afternoon, after I had sent an email of doom - the mists of PMT cleared and I realised that I was being irrational about it. At least before the mirena I knew when I had PMT now it seems like it can be anytime and I don't know if it is real or not. How much worse would it be with those injections... I think I'd lose my job, there are only so many times you can apologise.
I fell out with my consultant over his insistence that I have a hysterectomy. I want to go back to my GP and ask for a second opinon, but she also thinks a hysterectomy will 'cure ' the endo. Can anyone tell me why some women are worse after hysterectomy? Or is that a myth?
If anyone has any thoughts on any of the above, please let me know.
TIA - I really have had enough today. You know when you feel you have run out of options completely and there are no lights on the horizon... I am sick of the pain, sick of not having a proper relationship with my husband, sick of being tired, sick of being told that I should just have the injections as if this job I hang onto by the skin of my teeth is nothing, sick of having no social life, sick of having a swollen stomach, sick of no one IRL understanding, sick of waiting for menopause for my life to begin, sick of being so boring and miserable, sick of being in tears all the time. In short, fed up to the back teeth with the lot of it. This is not who I am deep down, it's just who endometriosis makes me.