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Endometriosis UK

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All posts for November 2013

anyone have CFS & endo?

afternoon ladies I have been suffering with endo for a good few years now, had a...
boudy14 profile image

Does any1 else have problems finding a pill to suit them?

Hey ladies Hope you are all ok? I went the hospital yesterday as I'm having prob...
Gemx85x profile image

Is it worth getting private health insurance?

Hi everyone, Today I was finally seen by a gynaecologist who believes I probabl...
Smee22 profile image
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Feel like a bit of a fraud on here, but need some help!

Hi everyone, I'm new here and was just wondering whether anyone could help me. ...
Emma23 profile image

Has anyone tried Bio-identical progesterone to treat their Endo? Any success?

Hi gals, I've been reading up on bio-identical hrt and it seems like a kinder pr...
Cooka profile image

Mooncup - can anyone help please?

Hi - I have purchased a mooncup. This is the first time I am going to use one a...
Merlion09 profile image

Any one got problems weeing?

Hello I have had problems since about August going for a wee. I had to like pu...
katell profile image

Experience after hysterectomy

I had a hysterectomy done 11 months ago, doctors said it was a tumor on my ovari...

Unexpected pain and bleeding 6 weeks into decapeptyl?

I had 1st decapeptyl injection 6 weeks ago, the first couple of weeks were awful...
Sparklypink profile image

Uti and bleeding?

Well after the worst 1st gyne appointment ever I am now in agony with what I can...
Andys_Girl profile image

1st gynae appointment was useless so feeling really annoyed

I was seen by a female gynae after waiting for weeks on the waiting list, I desc...
steph_jewel profile image

Abdominal pain

I have had abdominal pain since this morning and has gotten worse. Doesn't hurt ...

Anybody else have bad back from endo & work as a carer?

My back was already agony and now it's just getting worse & worse! It hurts badl...
sam_naylor profile image

Reflecting on recent diagnosis - how I got here

I'm sorry that this post might be a bit of a rant. I'm still feeling quite under...
Aridia profile image

Is it common to get re occurring fatigue?

I've had a post recently about fatigue with my endo... How has this affected oth...
boudy14 profile image

nausea and head pain

Hi has anyone had experience of nausea and head pain on zoladex? I had my first ...
karrijon profile image

feeling frustrated - how long did it take people to get diagnoised and has anybody had a negative laoproscopy

iv had one lapo where nothing was found been suffering for 10 years its finally ...
gemmap profile image

Does going through IVF make endo pain worse? Am considering iVF and have endo on bowel and also thinkcysts are back. Am 36 & need to decide

MaryJaneCali profile image

Zoladex and drinking alcohol.

Hi I was just wondering if any of you ladies who are on Zoladex can tolerate alc...
Cooka profile image

Help!!! I've recently come off and now got burning sensation

Help this is happened a few time I come of my period and then get a burning sens...
Gemx85x profile image

Bleeding mid cycle ?

Hi, i was diagnosed with endo stage 4 a couple of years ago and i had a laparato...
raine83 profile image

Second lap found no endo but some adhesions. Need some advice please!! Sorry it's so long!!

I was diagnosed with endo 2001 by a lap with also a fluid sac within my tubes & ...
emmylou71 profile image

Endo and appetite

Hey,so I been trying to manage this for quite few years now.For last 4 years hav...
hawkster profile image

Does anyone get joint pain? Or been diagnosed with endo in joints or osteoporosis?

Hey ladies, Hope you are having a manageable day. Does anyone get joint pain? ...
Lillil profile image

Has anyone had to see a pain specialist for post-op pain?

Hi I had a major lap nearly 5 weeks ago and woke up in agony in the recovery ro...
hayls profile image

Feels like a UTI but antibiotics aren't touching it

Hi, I have symptoms of a urine infection however there is no indication of this...
Laurenb19 profile image

Mirena Coil - how quickly does it take affect?

Hi Ladies This past year has not been easy, my periods are all over the place, ...
ShortStuff88 profile image

Pouch of Douglas...location?!?! Xx

I posted earlier about 2nd opinion and them saying I have still got endo at top ...
ClareLouise1980 profile image

Can't take this anymore.

Sorry that this is such a negative post but I really can't deal with this any mo...
Mrscinq profile image

Taken off HRT - poss endo still so fed up xx

Hi ladies, hope that you are all good as we can be with this crappy illn...
ClareLouise1980 profile image